Traducción para "bastante oscura" a ingles
Bastante oscura
Ejemplos de traducción
Está bastante oscuro fuera, ¿sabes?
It looks quite dark outside.
Está bastante oscuro y polvoriento allí.
It's quite dark and dusty in there.
Se vuelven mucho más claros, y no se pueden ver las diferencias que hay en la pintura entre, digamos, bastante oscuro, muy oscuro y extremadamente oscuro, y eso es muy importante en un cuadro como este, donde ocurren tantas cosas.
So they become much lighter, and so you can't see the distinctions that are in the painting between, say, quite dark, very dark and extremely dark, and that's really important with the picture like this is where there's so much going on.
No exactamente. Es bastante oscuro allí.
Not exactly. I mean, it's quite dark down there.
Esta bastante oscuro adonde tu papi va a pedir dulces.
It is quite dark where your trick daddy will.
Habría estado bastante oscuro aquí, anoche, ¿no?
It would have been quite dark in here last night, wouldn't it?
La habitación estaba ya bastante oscura.
The room was getting quite dark now.
La sala era (ahora) bastante oscura.
Inside the hall it was now quite dark.
El poblado en ruinas estaba ya bastante oscuro.
    It had grown quite dark in the ruined village.
Al cabo de siete horas estaba bastante oscuro.
Seven hours later it was quite dark.
Incluso yo la necesitaré. Es bastante oscuro.
“Even I will need a flashlight. It’s quite dark.”
Cuando fue usted, debía de estar bastante oscuro.
When you were there, it must have been quite dark.
Estaba bastante oscuro; ninguna luna aparecía en el cielo;
It was quite dark, neither moon being in the heavens;
La habitación estaba bastante oscura, tanto que no podíamos vernos el uno al otro.
It was quite dark in the room; we could not see one another.
-Está bastante oscuro. Aquí dentro hay un montón de cosas.
“It’s quite dark … there’s lots of stuff in here….”
Ese complejo estaba separado del resto del edificio por un muro, que hacía que el pasillo y las celdas fuesen bastante oscuras.
The cell complex was separated from the rest of the building by a wall, which made the corridor and the cells rather dark.
A veces siento como si fuéramos 185 peatones que buscan el camino de regreso al hogar en una ciudad grande, bastante oscura, con muchas calles, avenidas y lugares desconocidos.
Sometimes I feel as if we were like 185 pedestrians, looking for their way home in a big, rather dark, city with many unfamiliar streets, avenues and places.
Bueno, está bastante oscuro de repente en este agujero que he cavado yo mismo.
Well, rather dark all of a sudden in this hole I've dug for myself.
Era un pinar, bastante oscuro y silencioso.
It was a pine wood, rather dark and silent.
La habitación estaba bastante oscura y su voz era encantadora.
The room was rather dark and her voice was lovely.
Dentro de la mansión hacía fresco y estaba bastante oscuro.
It was cold inside the Mansion and rather dark.
El hombre era probablemente un pinoc. Alto, de tez bastante oscura.
Probably a pinoc. Slender, rather dark man.
Estaba bastante oscuro enfrente del teatro y había un embotellamiento de taxis.
It was rather dark in front of the theater and the taxis were all tied up.
El piso era bajo de techo, bastante oscuro y de una limpieza asombrosa.
The room had a low ceiling and was rather dark, but remarkably clean.
Aunque espaciosa, la cocina era bastante oscura y sus muebles, de mala calidad.
The kitchen was large but rather dark, and the furnishings were poor.
—Cuando las luces del coche se apagaron, el interior quedó bastante oscuro, ¿no es así?
“When the lights were turned off in that car, it was rather dark in the interior of the automobile?”
Para empezar, era una cocina bastante oscura, ya que daba a la tapia del jardín vecino.
For one thing, it was rather dark and lightless, facing out onto the wall of the neighbouring garden.
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