Traducción para "barbilla hendida" a ingles
Barbilla hendida
Ejemplos de traducción
Tenía la barbilla hendida y un pecho que parecía un poco raquítico comparado con el resto de su cuerpo.
He had a cleft chin and a torso that seemed a little undersized for the rest of his body.
Cuando empezó a echar cuerpo y su barbilla hendida adquirió contornos viriles, todas las chicas lo consideraron guapísimo.
As he began to fill out and his cleft chin took on manly contours, he was regarded as hot by all the girls.
Tenía al menos un metro ochenta y dos de altura y desde luego la sobrepasaba mucho, un revoltoso pelo negro, un semblante abrupto, la barbilla hendida, y un cuerpo delgado y atlético.
He was at least six feet tall, towering above her, with unruly black hair, craggy countenance, cleft chin, lean and athletic physique.
Sobreimpuesto había el rostro de un hombre, rudamente atractivo, barbilla hendida y amplia boca, ojos hundidos con cejas que parecían dos alas, fina nariz aquilina, pelo rizado empezando a grisear.
Superimposed was the man’s face, ruggedly handsome; cleft chin and wide mouth, sunken eyes with winged brows, fine aquiline nose, curly hair going gray.
Ojos azules, rostro alargado de barbilla hendida, y nariz ligeramente respingada, con unas cuantas pecas. Ante la presentación de Barthelme, exhibió una hilera de dientes perfectos y muy blancos.
Blue eyes, in a longish face with a cleft chin, a slightly upturned nose, a sprinkling of freckles, and some very even, very white teeth were displayed as Barthelme greeted her and introduced us.
Como si, conociendo aquellas facciones como las conocía, los pómulos altos y duros, la piel pálida, los ojos brillantes, la barbilla hendida, no viera razón para fijar la vista en él.
It seemed as though, knowing his features as she did, his high flinty cheekbones, his pale skin, his glinting eyes, his cleft chin, she saw no reason to focus her sight.
El rostro del reverendo, oscurecido por el sombrero, apenas alcanzaba a verlo, excepto la barbilla hendida y prominente que recibía la luz del sol y una cerilla recortada, utilizada como palillo de dientes, que llevaba pegada en la ancha y sonriente boca.
The Bishop’s face, shaded by the hat, could not be seen except for one cleft chin jutting into sunlight and a whittled matchstick, for toothpick, stuck smartly into a wide and grinning mouth.
Otros dos tipos de mantenimiento salen dando tumbos del barracón, llevando la biblioteca de pornografía de la división y una fotografía de cartón a tamaño real del presidente de América, con su barbilla hendida, su bronceado de golfista y su aire despreocupadamente pomposo, estilo mariscal de campo de fútbol americano.
Two more custodians come banging out of the trailer, carrying off the divisional pornography library and a life-size cardboard cutout photograph of the president of America, with his cleft chin, his golfer’s tan, his air of self-importance, worn lightly, quarterback-style.
No puedes relacionar de inmediato a esta mujer con tu madre, aunque te fijas, casi enseguida, en que es tan delgada y enjuta como ella, a la manera doliente de los alcohólicos. Sin embargo, esta mujer está sobria. Tiene la cara larga e inexpresiva y la barbilla hendida. Lleva una gasa sobre la garganta y, al volverse hacia ti, te dirige una mirada que te hiela la sangre. Es Vanessa.
You cannot immediately connect this woman with your mother though you notice, almost at once, that she’s as thin as your mother is and lean in the aching way of alcoholics. This woman is sober though, with a long blank face and a cleft chin, a flap of gauze across her throat and a look in her eyes that chills you when she turns. It’s Vanessa.
Sus ojos color avellana, su sonrisa, su barbilla hendida, su expresión, que no era despiadada en absoluto sino capaz de… de tanto amor. Quizá si le hubiera dicho que era virgen nada más invitarla todo habría salido de otra forma, y no le habría dado el yuyu. Seguro que todo había sido por eso, porque Hoyt no tenía ni idea y le había dado un yuyu… Sí, claro, se lo había dicho, pero justo antes, y él ya estaba tan excitado… Superado cierto punto, el macho no puede dominarse. Pero si la viera, si volviera a mirarla a la cara, le suplicaría que lo perdonara entre sollozos… Oh, Hoyt…
His hazel eyes, his smile, his cleft chin, his expression, which was not heartless at all but capable of such…love, and maybe if she had told him as soon as he invited her that she was a virgin, everything would have turned out differently, and he wouldn’t have freaked out—that must have been all that really happened—he just didn’t know, and the surprise freaked him out—yes, she had told him…just before, but by that time he was so aroused—after a certain point the male can’t restrain himself—and if he saw her, looked into her face again, he would sob an apology—O Hoyt!—
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