Traducción para "aunque haya" a ingles
Aunque haya
Ejemplos de traducción
55. Aunque las Sras.
55. Although Mmes.
Aunque son distintos, están íntimamente relacionados.
Although they are distinct, they are closely interrelated.
Aunque estén juntos, no son iguales.
Although they were together, they were not the same.
Aunque tarde, más vale eso que nunca.
Although late, it is better than never.
Se trata de formas de actuación complementarias, aunque diferentes.
Although different, they are complementary actions.
Aunque se informó al autor de que había un cheque a su disposición, él no lo ha recogido todavía, por lo que ha caducado, aunque puede expedirse otro sin inconveniente.
Although advised that the check was ready for pickup, the author has not yet done so and it is therefore no longer valid, although it can readily be replaced.
Pero de nada ha servido, aunque la razón estaba de nuestro lado.
It was to no avail, although the principles were on our side.
Sus mandatos, aunque diferentes, se complementan.
19. Although their mandates are different, they are complementary.
aunque, para su consternación,
Although, to her dismay,
, aunque la organización ha negado esa acusación.
although this charge has been denied by the organization.
AunqueAunque se le veía un poco como…
Although... Although it did look a bit like...
Me alegra que tú te encargues de la investigación, aunque… –¿Aunque?
I’m glad you’re the one running the investigation now, although…’ ‘Although?’
Aunque no estábamos.
Although we were not.
Aunque estaba la barba.
Although there was the beard.
Aunque no todos sus miembros.
Although not by everyone.
Aunque hay excepciones.
Although there are exceptions.
Aunque habrá peligro.
Although there will be danger.
Aunque hay esperanza.
Although there is hope.
Aunque, de hecho, sí que lo había.
although in fact there was.
Aunque no, en realidad.
Although actually not.
although there
No funciona, aunque haya oxígeno en el agua.
It doesn't work, although there's oxygen in water.
Aunque haya material para que la pintura sea terminada.
Although there is the matter of the painting to be completed.
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