Traducción para "atropellarlo" a ingles
  • run him over
  • i run him over
Ejemplos de traducción
run him over
estaba muy abajo en la cuneta, el camión había tenido que desviarse para atropellarlo.
he was far off the roadside, the truck must have veered to run him over.
Una vez, dando marcha atrás con el coche en una avenida, había intentado atropellarlo.
She had tried to run him over once while backing the car down the driveway.
Una aceleración y otro frenazo, como si el Smart no supiera si atropellarlo o no.
Then a sudden acceleration and another screeching halt, as if the Smart Car couldn’t make up its mind whether or not to run him over.
El agente afirmaba que Prince había intentado atropellarlo con su jeep, y yo supe que los fiscales se lo creerían.
The officer claimed that Prince had tried to run him over with his jeep, and I knew that the prosecutors would believe him.
Miró en derredor para comprobar si alguien más estaba mirando, pues la invadió un repentino y violento deseo de atropellarle.
She looked around to see if anyone else was watching, for she had the sudden and breathless urge to run him over.
No sabía qué sonaba peor, si sus pulmones o el coche que lo perseguía, aunque el conductor parecía más interesado en mantenerse pegado a los talones de Arkadi que en atropellarlo.
He didn't know what sounded worse, his lungs or the car behind him, although the driver seemed to be keeping pace at Arkady's heels more than trying to run him over.
Nos enteramos de que el agente afirmaba haber abierto fuego porque Prince había intentado atropellarlo con su jeep. Nos enteramos de que las autoridades a quienes se había encomendado investigar el tiroteo apenas habían hecho nada para investigar al agente y, en cambio, habían dedicado todo su esfuerzo a investigar a Prince Jones.
We know that the officer claims he shot because Prince tried to run him over with his jeep. We know that the authorities charged with investigating this shooting did very little to investigate the officer and did everything in their power to investigate Prince Jones.
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