Traducción para "arma levantada" a ingles
Arma levantada
Ejemplos de traducción
Allí estaba, avanzando hacia él con el arma levantada, los dientes desnudos en una mueca asesina, y unos ojos dementes, absolutamente dementes. Mort descargó el atizador en un golpe silbante y tuvo el tiempo justo de comprender que Shooter no llevaba su sombrero redondo, que no era Shooter sino él, que el loco era él, antes que el atizador destrozara el espejo que había sobre el lavabo, el azogue se dispersara centelleando en la penumbra y el botiquín cayera dentro del lavabo.
He turned the knob of the bathroom door and slammed in, bouncing the door off the wall hard enough to chop through the wallpaper and pop the door's lower hinge, and there he was, there he was, coming at him with a raised weapon, his teeth bared in a killer's grin, and his eyes were insane, utterly insane, and Mort brought the poker down in a whistling overhand blow and he had just time enough to realize that Shooter was also swinging a poker, and to realize that Shooter was not wearing his round-crowned black hat, and to realize it wasn't Shooter at all, to realize it was him, the madman was him, and then the poker shattered the mirror over the washbasin and silver-backed glass sprayed every whichway, twinkling in the gloom, and the medicine cabinet fell into the sink.
gun raised
El hombre saltó de los arbustos hacia el claro, con su arma levantada contra Garrett…
The man bursting from the bushes into the clearing, gun raised toward Garrett…
Zilic fue hacia el grupo con el arma levantada, pero ninguno de los dos hombres intentó luchar.
*Zilic advanced toward the group with his gun raised, but neither made any attempt to fight.
Joona se mueve en silencio hacia un lado con el arma levantada e intenta dilucidar qué son las formas que distingue en la oscuridad.
He moves sideways silently, with his gun raised, trying to make sense of the shapes he can see.
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