Traducción para "apénas" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Esto es lo que ya hemos hecho, pero ello es apenas un comienzo.
That is what we have already done, but it is just a beginning.
Esto equivale a apenas poco más de dos semanas de gastos.
This corresponds to just over two weeks of expenditures.
En 2010 la proporción era apenas algo más del 15%.
In 2010, the proportion was just over 15 per cent.
En algunos países estos esfuerzos apenas se están iniciando.
In some countries, these efforts have just begun.
Está apenas en proceso de implementación;
This programme is only just in the process of being implemented;
Tenemos apenas 10 millones de habitantes.
We have just 10 million inhabitants.
Este crecimiento apenas bastaría para estabilizar el desempleo.
This would just be enough to stabilize unemployment.
Su trabajo ha apenas comenzado.
Their work has only just begun.
Estamos apenas a seis años del año 2000.
The year 2000 is just six years away.
La tarea es enorme, y apenas comienza.
The task is a huge one, and it is only just beginning.
Apenas estoy seguro.
I'm just sure!
Apenas es... apenas es posible.
It's just about... just about possible.
Todo es apenas-- Apenas--
Everything is just - Just...
Apenas se marchó...
She just left ...
Apenas se nota.
It's just uncomfortable.
Estoy apenas nervioso.
I'm just nervous.
- No, apenas Sofia.
- No, just Sofia.
Apenas contemplativo.
Just contemplative.
Pero es apenas una suposición.
But that's just a guess.
Apenas estoy empezando.
"I'm just beginning.
Apenas ha comenzado.
The cyclone is just started.
Eres apenas un niño.
You're just a child."
Apenas está esbozado.
It is only just begun.
Apenas me escoció un poco.
It just stung a little.
—No, apenas unos minutos;
Just a few minutes;
Los otros son apenas hombres.
The others are just men.
Apenas se presentan indicadores cualitativos sobre la educación.
Qualitative indicators on education are scarcely shown.
Apenas 35 minutos después del despegue, todos estaban muertos.
Scarcely 35 minutes into the flight, they were all dead.
De ellos, apenas un 10% son reincidentes o delincuentes que envejecieron y pasaron a ese centro penitenciario.
Of these, scarcely 10% are re-offenders or older offenders.
Los resultados en el primer ciclo de la enseñanza secundaria apenas son mejores.
Junior secondary results are scarcely better.
La productividad apenas alcanzaba el 30% del nivel de Alemania occidental.
Productivity was scarcely 30 per cent of the West German level.
Millones de personas luchan simplemente para sobrevivir y apenas disfrutan de toda la gama de sus derechos.
Millions are struggling merely to survive and scarcely enjoying the full range of their rights.
En algunos aspectos, apenas acaba de comenzar.
In some respects, it has scarcely begun.
Los monárquicos apenas figuran en esos informes.
There is scarce mention of monarchists in such reports.
Apenas se aprueba, se le plantean al juez mil y un problemas.
Scarcely is it adopted than the courts are faced with a thousand and one problems.
El turismo, que apenas existía en 1970, ha proseguido su tendencia ascendente.
Tourism which scarcely existed in 1970 has continued its upward trend.
Apenas lo necesita.
They scarcely need it.
Apenas tuviste tiempo.
You scarcely had time.
Apenas lo conozco, y apenas me conoce.
¡Apenas un asalto!
Scarcely an assault!
- Apenas la conozco.
- I scarcely know her.
Apenas le conozco.
I scarcely know him.
Apenas nos reconoció.
She scarcely recognized us.
Apenas hay olas.
There's scarcely a ripple.
Apenas me conoces.
You scarcely know me.
¡Apenas lo sé!
Heavens, I scarcely know.
Eso apenas tenía consistencia.
That was scarcely consistent.
Pero eso apenas tenía importancia;
But it scarcely mattered;
Apenas había amanecido.
It was scarcely dawn.
Apenas sabían dónde estaban, apenas sabían lo que habían experimentado.
They were standing they scarcely knew where, after experiencing they scarcely knew what.
Era una cosa apenas creíble.
That was scarcely credible.
—su voz era apenas un suspiro.
It was scarcely a whisper.
Allí apenas había más luz.
It was scarcely lighter there.
Yo apenas la escuchaba.
I was scarcely listening.
Apenas estaba frío.
He was scarcely cold.
Muchos sobreviven apenas comiendo raíces y hojas.
Many are barely surviving on roots and leaves.
La cobertura actual es apenas del 0,7%.
Present coverage is barely 0.7 per cent.
Se trata de un sistema sumamente complicado y caro que apenas funciona.
It is an extremely complicated and expensive system that is barely operational.
El porcentaje de participación apenas si cambió con respecto a 2002.
The proportion was barely changed from 2002.
La Oficina considera que se inscribe apenas el 25% de las defunciones.
The Office estimates that barely 25% of deaths are registered with it.
Los ingresos apenas dan para una comida al día.
Income is barely sufficient for one meal a day.
En 1953, la isla tenía apenas 6,5 millones de habitantes.
In 1953, the island had barely 6.5 million inhabitants.
Los mercados apenas funcionan en los estados afectados por el conflicto.
Markets are barely functioning in the conflict-affected states.
El daño que produjo en apenas 60 segundos ha sido devastador.
The damage that it caused in barely 60 seconds was devastating.
La financiación para Rwanda fue apenas del 40% en 1993.
The funding for Rwanda was barely 40 per cent in 1993.
Él apenas, apenas tiene algo de fiebre.
He barely, barely has any fever at all.
"Oh, oh, oh, apenas vivo, apenas vivo".
♪ Oh, oh, oh Barely alive, barely alive ♪
Son apenas-- Son apenas las 10:00.
It's bare-- It's barely 10:00.
Apenas un puto aperitivo, apenas un amuse-bouche.
Barely a fucking appetiser, barely an amuse-bouche.
Apenas come, apenas me habla.
Barely eats, barely speaks to me.
Apenas puedo hablar. Apenas puedo respirar
I can barely talk, I can barely breath properly
Apenas, apenas entra toda mi músculo de la pantorrilla.
It barely, barely fits over my muscular calves.
Apenas duerme, apenas come, apenas habla conmigo.
He barely sleeps, barely eats, barely talks to me.
Apenas… podía… Apenas podía… pensar. Era estúpido.
He barely … could … Could barely … think. He was stupid.
Apenas unas semanas. —Todo es cuestión de apenas unas semanas, cuestión de días.
Barely weeks." "Everything is barely weeks.
Apenas era un rasguño.
It was barely a graze.
Apenas estaba presente.
She was barely there.
Apenas era una habitación.
It was barely a room.
Era apenas un pedido.
It was barely a request.
En varios países apenas existían tales servicios.
In several countries, such services were hardly available.
La lectura como esparcimiento apenas se practica.
Reading as a leisure activity is hardly in vogue.
Apenas abordaron las necesidades de las víctimas ni los recursos de que podían disponer.
They hardly addressed the needs of and remedies for the victims.
Apenas se ha hecho uso de esa disposición en alguna ocasión.
That provision has hardly ever been used.
En esas comunicaciones apenas se tratan las inspecciones del cumplimiento del embargo.
Embargo inspections hardly feature in the communications.
Apenas hay inversiones en proyectos de abastecimiento de agua y alcantarillado.
There is hardly any investment in water and sewage.
Apenas si existe una infraestructura para la economía palestina.
There is hardly any infrastructure for the Palestinian economy.
Sin embargo, en la práctica, apenas se plantea esta cuestión.
In practice, however, this is hardly ever an issue.
Sin él, la Conferencia apenas habría sido posible.
Without him this Conference would hardly have been possible.
Apenas la conozco. ¡Apenas la conozco!
And I hardly know her. I hardly know her.
Bueno, apenas nada.
Well, hardly everything.
Apenas la he visto, y apenas la conozco.
I've hardly seen her, hardly know her
Apenas conoces a Doug, apenas te conocemos.
You hardly know doug, we hardly know you.
Apenas puedo esperar.
Can hardly wait.
Apenas nos conocemos.
We hardly know.
Apenas, apenas si te toqué.
I hardly... I hardly touched you.
Ella apenas habló, apenas le miró.
She hardly spoke, hardly looked at him.
Pero Mariam apenas lo había notado, apenas le había importado.
But Mariam had hardly noticed, hardly cared.
Apenas media docena, y apenas se me acercan.
There’s hardly half a dozen, and they can hardly come near me.
Apenas era un arma;
It was hardly a weapon;
Apenas tiene importancia.
It hardly matters.
Era apenas un edificio.
It was hardly a building.
Apenas es medianoche.
It is hardly midnight.
Pero eso apenas importa.
But it hardly matters.
Pero eso apenas importaba.
But that hardly mattered.
apenas era noticia.
it was hardly news.
Apenas le conocía.
I hardily knew him.
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