Traducción para "andrajos" a ingles
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Andrajos y puros trapos.
Rags and tatters.
#Mis zapatos falsos de cuero son elegantes y esconden los andrajos de mi corazón#
My fake leather shoes are smart and hide the tatters of my heart.
Ahora siento hacia ti una rabia... que no puedo mitigar, incluso con mi cuerpo hecho andrajos.
Now, I feel a rage towards you that I cannot put out, even with my body in tatters.
La busqué hasta que encontré su ropa hecha andrajos y quemada.
I searched till I found her tattered clothes, torn and burned.
aquí,oh dioses,tomad los andrajos que nos protejen del desierto y del ardiente sol
Here, o great gods, take the only tatters, that have protected us from desert sand and sun's blazing
Pronto serán andrajos.
It'll be tattered soon.
Dejó estos andrajos para mí...
She left these tatters for me...
Estaba toda vestida de andrajos, y no frecuentaba más que tipejos...
She had a skirt that was tattered and bare She hung out with guys who'd give you a scare
Usted ANDRAJOS verdad!
You TATTERED truth!
Europa, arrastrando tus andrajos,
Europe, dragging your tattered rags,
Afiliar a un hombre era coser un andrajo.
To recruit a man was to sew on a tatter.
La musgosa mañana llegará cubierta de andrajos.
           The morning will come mossily in tatters.
No tocaban sucios andrajos ni raquíticos huesos.
They did not touch filthy tatters or rickety bones.
Lo que quedaba de su ropa lo llevaba encima en andrajos.
What was left of her clothing clung to her in tatters.
Sus garras arrancaron los andrajos, arrojándolos lejos.
His claws plucked at the tatters and pulled them away.
Se desnudaron, se lavaron el cuerpo, y también los andrajos que vestían.
They stripped, washed their bodies, rinsed out their tattered clothes.
Había perdido las sandalias y los pantalones estaban hechos andrajos.
He had lost his sandals and his trousers were in tatters.
Sus ropas lujosas eran andrajos; el rostro, una máscara ensangrentada.
His fine clothes were a tatter, his face a ruin.
—¿Qué pasa? —preguntó mi padre a un mendigo envuelto en sus andrajos.
‘What’s going on?’ my father asked a beggar in tattered rags.
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