Traducción para "amado una vez" a ingles
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Habiendo perdido al ser amado una vez, se sentía acosada por un miedo feroz al tener que abandonar a John.
Having lost someone she loved once, she had a wild fear of leaving John too.
Adem no sabía qué sería peor: que jamás hubiera estado enamorada y fuera incapaz de abrir su corazón, o que hubiera amado una vez y no volviera a entregarse a alguien del mismo modo.
He didn’t know which would be worse: that she had never been in love and was incapable of opening her heart or that she had loved once and would never dedicate herself to anyone in the same way again.
Antoinette Bax estaba sentada sola en el puente de su nave, la nave que había sido suya y antes de su padre; la nave que había amado una vez y odiado otra, la nave que formaba parte de ella tanto como su propia piel, y sabía que aquella era la última vez.
Antoinette Bax sat alone on the bridge of her ship, the ship that had been hers and her father’s before that, the ship that she had loved once and hated once, the ship that was as much a part of her as her own flesh, and knew that this would be the last time.
No, quería que le arrebataran todo lo que había amado alguna vez.
No, he wanted to be swept away from everything he had once loved.
Aunque sólo fuera por un instante, ella encarnaba a esa chica que todos habían amado alguna vez.
For she was, if only for a moment, some girl they'd once loved.
Él podría despreciarla, pero la mujer a la que había amado una vez debía verse libre de vergüenza.
He might despise her, but the woman whom he had once loved should be kept from shame;
Supongo que cuando un hombre ha amado una vez a una mujer, lo hará todo por ella, excepto con­tinuar amándola.
I suppose that when a man has once loved a woman, he will do anything for her, except continue to love her?
Últimamente me sorprendo recordando los buenos tiempos que pasé con Pedro, y supongo que eso es lo que le pasará a la mayoría de las personas que hayan amado alguna vez a alguien y lo hayan perdido;
Lately, I find myself remembering the good times with Pedro, and I guess that’s what happens to most people if ever they’ve once loved somebody and lose them;
Pero aunque tal vez algunos se sintieran impresionados, disgustados o indignados por su caída en lo abstracto, en cuanto vieron la cara del hombre a quien habían amado una vez, olvidaron sus opiniones;
but although some of them might have felt shocked or grieved or indignant at his falling off in the abstract, as soon as they saw the face of the man whom they had once loved, they forgot his opinions in himself;
Pensar que Duport había sido el marido de Jean, que había tenido un hijo suyo, que sin duda le había amado alguna vez, no me había preocupado demasiado mientras ella y yo mantuvimos una relación íntima.
The thought that Duport had been Jean’s husband, that she had had a child by him, that no doubt she had once loved him, had not, for some reason, greatly worried me while she and I had been close to each other.
Ninguno de nosotros supimos a cuál de sus muchos amores se refería: a la reina que había muerto aún amándolo, a la reina que estaba aterrorizada en el mismo palacio o a mí, la jovencita a quien había amado una vez. —¿Queréis dormir? —pregunté, ansiosa.
he said softly, and none of us knew which of his many loves he was addressing: the queen who had died still loving him, the queen who was sick with fear in the same palace, or me, the girl he had once loved. “D’you want to sleep?” I asked anxiously.
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