Traducción para "alabastrino" a ingles
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Por tu piel alabastrina...
I think the alabaster skin and the farm girl looks--
Había efectos alabastrinos hábilmente imitados en madera.
Alabaster effects had been skillfully mimicked in wood.
Dos cisnes blancos se deslizaron con alabastrina indiferencia.
Two white swans paddled by in alabaster obliviousness.
—Y basta ya de la Novia Alabastrina —cortó el profesor de leyes—.
“So much for the Alabaster Bride,” said the lawyer-professor.
No hubo el menor temblor en el rostro alabastrino de la felina Becca.
Nothing quivered at all in the alabaster face of the feline Becca.
El trémulo calor hacía danzar las distantes cúpulas alabastrinas.
Heat shimmer made the distant alabaster spires dance.
—Vaya si lo es —confirmó Goldman, riendo—. La Novia Alabastrina de Boston.
“It certainly is.” Goldman chuckled. “The Alabaster Bride of Boston.
A la luz de la linterna, distinguió el suave resplandor alabastrino.
In the beam of the torch he made out the soft creamy alabaster gleam.
Pasaron a través de una cuña formada por dos enormes bloques alabastrinos.
They passed through a wedge formed of two huge alabaster blocks.
La luz que se filtra le da un tono extraño, alabastrino a su piel.
The light coming through gives her complexion a strange tone, alabaster-like.
—¡Oh, Dios mío! A los cerdos fascistas de Boston, protectores de la Novia Alabastrina.
“Oh, my Jesus!” To the Fascist Pigs of Boston, Protectors of the Alabaster Bride.
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