Traducción para "zu bieten hatte" a ingles
Zu bieten hatte
Ejemplos de traducción
Er wollte alles, was sie zu bieten hatte.
He wanted all that she had to offer.
Die Galaxis brauchte das, was sie zu bieten hatte.
The galaxy needed what she had to offer.
Der beste und klügste, den die Menschheit zu bieten hatte.
The best and the brightest humanity had to offer.
Michelle war perfekt, das Beste, was Manhasset zu bieten hatte.
Michelle was perfect, the best Manhasset had to offer.
Alles, was ich meinem Sohn zu bieten hatte, waren Erschöpfung und Angst.
All I had to offer my son was fear and exhaustion.
Was Knight zu bieten hatte, hätte sie nicht interessiert.
She wouldn’t have responded to the kind of thing that Knight had to offer.
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