Traducción para "ist gut gelaunt" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Alle waren gut gelaunt.
Everyone was in a good mood.
Er ist nicht gut gelaunt.
He’s not in a good mood.
Aber er saß gut gelaunt im Flugzeug und kam gut gelaunt an.
But he was in a good mood as he sat in the plane and in a good mood when he arrived.
Carl war gut gelaunt.
Carl was in a good mood.
Tash war gut gelaunt.
Tash was in a good mood.
Ich bin nicht gerade gut gelaunt.
I am not in a good mood.
Er klingt gut gelaunt.
He sounds in a good mood.
Sie war gut gelaunt, wenn auch müde.
She was in a good mood but tired.
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