Traducción para "die waren drin" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Und dann waren sie drin.
And then they were in.
Dann waren sie drin.
Then they were inside.
Während wir da drin waren.
While we were in there.
Die Kinder waren dort drin.
The kids were in there.
Hatten sie Bewusstsein da drin?
Were they aware in there?
Aber sie steckten jetzt drin;
But they were in it now;
Und sie saßen drin bis zum…
And they were in it up to their—
Ich wusste zwar, dass da keine Gespenster drin hausten, aber wenn doch welche drin gewesen wären?
I knew there were no ghosts in there, but on the other hand, what if there were?
Ihre Leute waren drin.
The gang were inside.
Was haben sie da drin gemacht?
What were they doing?
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