Käännös "kuoppa-alue" englanti
Sisäinen trampoine puisto noin 592sqm, mukaan lukien vapaa hyppyalue, koripallo alue, vaahto kuoppa alue ja kiipeilyseinä..... jne.
The indoor trampoine park about 592sqm, including free jumping area, basketball area, foam pit area and climbing wall area.....etc.
Sisä trampoliini noin 10763 neliömetriä, mukaan lukien vapaa hyppyalue, koripallo alue, vaahto kuoppa alue, ammatillinen trampoliini mattoalue..... jne. heidän liike
The Indoor Trampoline about 10763 sq.ft, including free jumping area, basketball area, foam pit area, professional trampoline mat area.....etc. their business is very busy, parents take their kids to enjoy it, strengthen mutual relationship, office worker can relax their body after a full day of pressure work.
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