Käännös "hedelistä" englanti
32 hedelmä auttaa pitkäikäisyys hedel...
32 fruit helps longevity fruit ever...
Soveltuu erinomaisesti maanviljelyyn, koulutukseen, hedel...
Ideal for agriculture, education, fruit and vegetable was...
Kuori mango, poista kivi ja leikkaa hedel
Peel the mango, remove the put and cut the fruit in small cubes.
Rakennus kellari talon alle, syödä tuoreita hedel
Building a cellar under the house, to eat fresh fruit all year round
Tarra voi kertoa sinulle, missä ja milloin ostamasi hedel
A label can tell you where and when your fruit was grown.
Päätoimialanamme on vihannesten ja hedel
Services Our main activity is the transportation of fruit and vegetables, as well as other temperature-sensitive goods from all over Europe (namely from Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, and Germany) to Scandinavia and the Baltics.
Muovipusseja Sack, Kiina PP kudotut muovisäkillä Pakkaus vihannesten ja hedel
Plastic Woven Sack, China PP Woven Plastic Sack for Packing Vegetable and Fruit
Käyttää useita ruokalajeja-kuten curry — hedel
Used in numerous dishes– including curry– the fruit can be found in Africa, India, and the Far East and has actually been shown to add to healthy and balanced red blood cells, to name a few points.
17. Näin jokainen hyvä puu tekee hyviä hedelmiä, mutta huono puu tekee pahoja hedel
17 Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit.
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