Käännös "alentejosta" englanti
  • alentejo
  • alentejoosta
Alto Alentejo on osa Alentejon aluetta Portugalissa.
Alto Alentejo is also a NUTS3 subregion of Alentejo Region, in Portugal.
Alentejo - Castle Majoitus, Hotellit, hostellit, motellit, asunnot Alentejo [1
Alentejo - Castle Accommodation, hotels, hostels, motels, apartments in Alentejo [1
Lissabon ja Alentejo
Lisbon and Alentejo
Alentejo: Parhaat hotellit
Best hotels in Alentejo
Alentejo, täältä tullaan!
Alentejo, here I come
Suosittuja hotelleja: Alentejo
Popular hotels in Alentejo
Beja hotellit, Alentejo Portugali
Beja Hotels, Alentejo Portugal
Alentejo Central on osa Alentejon aluetta Portugalissa.
Alentejo Central is also a NUTS3 subregion of Alentejo Region, in Portugal.
Se rajoittuu Alentejo Centraliin, Alentejo Litoraliin, Algarveen ja idässä Espanjaan.
It is bordered on the North by Alentejo Central Subregion, on the East by Spain, on the South by the Algarve and on the West by Alentejo Litoral.
Ensimmäiset asukkaat tulivat erityisesti Algarvesta, Alentejosta ja Madeiralta.
The population came mostly from the regions of Estremadura, Alentejo and Algarve.
Cynetes tai Conii - Algarve ja Low Alentejo (Portugali); alun perin ehkä tartessolaisia, jotka sulautuneet myöhemmin Celticiläisiin.
Cynetes – Cyneticum (today's Algarve region) and Low Alentejo (Portugal); originally probably Tartessians or similar, later celtized by the Celtici; according to some scholars, Cynetes and Conii were two different peoples or tribes .
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