Käännös "alcácerin" englanti
Vanhusten asuntoja, Alcácer do Sal, Portugali
House for Elderly People, Alcácer do Sal, Portugal
Majoitusta paikassa Alcàsser - Majoitusta paikassa Alcácer do Sal
Places to stay in Alcàsser - Places to stay in Alcácer do Sal
Alcácer do Sal gogless Olemme neuvotelleet tuhansien hotellien kanssa saadaksemme kaikkein parhaimmat tarjoukset.
Alcácer do Sal gogless We've negotiated with thousands of hotels to get the very best deals.
1200-luvulla laivasto valtasi rannikkokaupunkeja kuten Alcácer do Salin, Silvesin ja Faron.
During the 13th century, in the Reconquista, the Portuguese naval forces helped in the conquest of several coastal Moorish towns, like Alcácer do Sal, Silves and Faro.
Ksar-el-Kebir on historiallisesti merkittävä kaupunki, sillä sen edustalla käytiin 4. elokuuta 1578 Alcácer Quibirin taistelu.
The major battle, Battle of Alcácer Quibir, fought at Ksar-el-Kebir on 4 August 1578, was a catalyst for the 1580 Portuguese succession crisis.
Setúbalin piirin jakautuu kolmeentoista kuntaan: Alcácer do Sal Alcochete Almada Barreiro Grândola Moita Montijo Palmela Santiago do Cacém Seixal Sesimbra Setúbal Sines Portugal: Administrative Division Citypopulation.de.
It is composed of 13 municipalities, spread over two sub regions: Península de Setúbal Subregion NUTS II Sub-Region: Alcochete Almada Barreiro Moita Montijo Palmela Seixal Sesimbra Setúbal Alentejo Litoral Subregion: Alcácer do Sal Grândola Santiago do Cacém Sines Lousal, a mining village in the district of Setúbal Gwillim Law (1999).
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