Käännös "nowodewitschi-friedhof" englanti
Außerdem besuchten sie die Gräber von Gogol, Majakowski, Tschechow und Ostrowski auf dem Nowodewitschi-Friedhof.
They visited the graves of Gogol, Mayakovsky, Chekhov, and Ostrovsky at the Novodevichy Cemetery.
auf dem Roten Platz war ihm der Fotoapparat aus der Hand gefallen, und auf dem Nowodewitschi-Friedhof, dem er aus Pflichtgefühl einen Besuch abstattete, weil er einmal mit Irina dort gewesen war, um sich vor den Gräbern Tschechows und Majakowskis zu verneigen, hatte ihn ein kalter Regen erwischt, ein Aprilregen, wie es ihn nur in Moskau gab, imstande, einen Menschen zu töten – obwohl das alles unangenehm und abstoßend gewesen war, konnte er nicht leugnen, Genugtuung empfunden zu haben über die Hochachtung, die man ihm nun, nach zehn Jahren, plötzlich in diesem Land entgegenbrachte: dem Exsträfling, dem «Auf ewig Verbannten».
with their morose expressions, even the famous Metro, of which he had always been a little proud because, as a young man, he had worked on building it when he did subbotniks, days of voluntary labor, even that had gotten on his nerves, what with the cramped spaces, the noise, the guillotine-like action of the automatic doors as they snapped shut (and why was the damn Metro almost a hundred meters underground, and why, even more surprising, had he not asked himself that question at the time?), while he had dropped his camera on the ground in Red Square, and in Novodevichy cemetery, which he had visited out of a sense of duty because he had once been there with Irina to bow before the tombs of Chekhov and Mayakovsky, a cold rain had fallen on him, April rain such as fell only in Moscow, enough to kill you—well, although all that had been unpleasant and repellent, he couldn’t deny the satisfaction that he had felt in the respect suddenly shown to him in this country, ten years later: an ex-convict, sentenced to “eternal exile.”
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