Elle sifflera, tu l'aideras à descendre et vous filerez.
She'll whistle, you help her down, and you'll escape.
Il sifflera en travaillant ou sautillera dans la maison ?
Will he whistle while he works, or will he just skip around the house occasionally?
Il sifflera "Matinada fiorentina".
The whistling of the "Florentine Serenade".
Quand tu siffleras comme ça, je sortirai de ma cachette.
When you whistle, I'll come out of my hiding place.
Il sifflera mon air préféré.
He will whistle my favorite song.
Tu siffleras un autre air à 240 volts.
You'll be whistling a different tune at 240 volts.
Quand on voudra qu'il vienne, on le sifflera : "Ici, gamin".
When we want him to come, we'll just whistle and say, "Here, boy."
On sifflera quand on sera entrés.
We'll whistle when we're in.
Après, tu siffleras quand tu respireras.
Then you'll Whistle when you breathe.
Il sifflera le verdict, tu verras.
He'll boo the verdict, you'll see
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