Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
11) La reprise de l'article 21 lors de l'élaboration de la Convention de Vienne de 1986 ne posa pas de difficultés notables.
(11) The resumed consideration of article 21 during the drafting of the 1986 Vienna Convention did not pose any significant difficulties.
187. La reprise de l'article 21 lors de l'élaboration de la Convention de Vienne de 1986 ne posa pas de difficultés notables.
187. The resumed consideration of article 21 during the drafting of the 1986 Vienna Convention did not pose any significant difficulties.
Lincoln, posa le couteau.
Lincoln, put down the knife.
C'était la question que Tweedledee posa à Alice dans De l'autre...
That was just the question Tweedledee put to Alice in Through the-
- qui la posa sur ma tête.
- Who put it on my head.
Chef, lui posa pour une sieste.
Chief, put him down for a nap.
- Casey, il posa. - Maintenant!
- Casey, put it down.
Mon tio arriva, posa la main sur son ventre,
And my tio, he came, and he put his hand on her belly, said a prayer to Santa Margarita,
Dieu posa sa marque sur Cain pour ses pechés.
God put his mark on Cain for his sins.
Donc elle posa un appât et en attrapa un.
So she put down some bait and caught one.
posa la. et prend un ballet.
Put that down, pick up a mop!
Elle posa un petit pois sur le lit.
and put a pea under the bed .
"L'air s'emplit d'allégresse "quand Xena posa son épée.
"And the very air sang with harmony as Xena lay down her sword."
L posa sur la table salle de la manière normale, mais Butterfield affirme inébranlablement que quand il est allé chercher les lettres, n'y avait aucun colis entre eux.
I placed it on the hall table in the normal manner, but Butterfield unswervingly asserts that when he went to collect the letters, there was no parcel among them.
"Lorsqu'elle posa son soulier entre mes jambes, je fus saisi d'une terrible excitation.
"When she placed her shoe on my crotch, "I was overcome with a terrible desire.
Un matin, le supérieur... posa la main sur sa cuisse.
One morning, the bishop placed his hand upon her thigh.
Elle posa sa joue contre la sienne.
She placed her cheek against his.
"À l'aube, ils arrivèrent à un puits. "Il posa la fillette sur le rebord et..."
"Now the sun rose and they had come to a well, and He placed the girl down upon its edge and..."
"Il posa son rapport sur le bureau de son patron et rentra chez lui."
"He placed his final report on his boss' desk, "and then he went home."
La Belle posa le pied sur l'île interdite et fut enlevée.
Thus, Beauty set foot on the forbidden island and was seized.
Mais ce n'est qu'en 1828... 27 ans après sa rencontre avec Fourier... que Champollion posa le pied en Egypte.
But it was not until 1828 27 years after his fateful visit with Fourier that Champollion first set foot in Egypt.
"Caddy prit la boîte, la posa par terre, et l'ouvrit."
Caddy got the box, and set it on the floor, and opened it.
Là où aucun païen n'avait marché, parmi les prêtres assemblés, l'irrévérencieux Pompée posa pied à terre.
Where no pagan had ever set foot, in the court of the priests most irreverent Pompey stood himself down.
Le 16 Aout 1960, L'homme posa pied Sur la Lune, Le pilote Militaire Joe Kittinger A pris Une journée En solo, au fin Fond De L'espace.
On August 1 6th, 1 960, long before man had set foot on the Moon, military pilot Joe Kittinger took a solo journey to the edge of space.
Il posa un piège assomoir à l'entrée du village.
He set up a huge drop trap at the village entrance.
et posa sa tête sur mon épaule.
and rested her head against my shoulders.
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