Käännös "traveste" englanti
Sembra che si travesta.
She seems to be wearing disguises.
Perchè non ti travesti da Linglong?
Why did you disguise as Linglong?
Si travesti' da uno di loro.
He was disguised as one.
Ora si traveste da...
Disguise himself now as...
Quindi si traveste...
So, he disguises hiMs..elf.
Non mi travesto, hai perso la testa.
I didn't disguise, you just lost your mind.
Non ci si trucca, ma ci si traveste un po'.
But you may need a disguise.
Si travesta come si deve, mi raccomando.
Make sure you get a decent disguise.
In effetti, si traveste... da vecchio mendicante.
He actually disguises himself as an old beggar.
Bisogna che si travesta prima.
You've got to get disguised first.
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