Käännös "ceri" englanti
I ceri della processione dei morti...
The candles of the Procession of the Dead.
Lui, invece, era steso qui, con i ceri, i fiori... tutto!
But he was here, surrounded by candles and flowers!
Fiori Urne Ceri
- Accendevo ceri giorno e notte.
I was lighting candles day and night.
Io devo portare in chiesa i ceri alla santa Vergine.
I must ride to church with the Holy Mother's candles.
(Mastro Pietro) Raccogliete i ceri e preparatevi per la processione!
Pick up the candles! Go get ready for the procession!
I ceri che ho acceso funzionano!
The candles that I lit worked! Look at the stride on him.
Devo portare i ceri alla Vergine.
I'm taking candles to church. I see.
Prendi, ...aiutami ad accendere i ceri là dietro.
Here, help me light the candles.
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