Käännös "reci" englanti
Acabo de reci--
I just got in...
- S¡. Reci‚n hace una hora que la dej‚ en la casa.
I took her home just now.
Recié mandé su archivo.
I just forwarded his file.
Recié nos habíamos mudado a la ciudad, y yo estaba consumiendo dinero como quien consume whisky si es un alcohólico.
We had just moved into the city, and I was going through money like someone goes through whiskey if you're an alcoholic.
- Reci‚n lo conozco.
- I've just gotten to know him.
Solo trato de mantenerme delgado y recio.
Just trying to stay, uh, lean and mean.
Reci‚n ganan y ya comienzan con la prepotencia.
Just won and are already arrogant!
Reci‚n nos conocemos y ya no tenemos de qu‚ hablar.
We've just met and already have nothing to talk about?
Recuerda poner cara de recio.
Just remember your tough face.
No te reci¡nes.
Just don't bend over.
Era una de esas sillas de lona sencillas, pero bastante cómoda y recia.
It was just one of those canvas chairs but comfortable enough and sturdy.
Parecía tan antigua, recia y venerable como el propio hotel.
It looked just as old, as venerable and as solid as the hotel itself.
—Sólo me preguntaba si por dentro eres tan recia como pretendes.
Just wondering if you're really as hard inside as you pretend to be.”
Godwin Pride la precedía, a regañadientes, montado en un recio caballito.
just ahead of her, on a sturdy pony, Godwin Pride led the way.
–¡Agárrate a mi! – dice el operario con voz bronca, recia. ¡Por fin!
Just hold on to me!” says the workman in a harsh, husky voice. At last!
Tan solo un día sufrieron el oleaje de un recio viento del norte.
They had just one day with a strong northerly gale.
Aunque no estaba gorda, su constitución era recia, tal vez fuera de huesos grandes.
Her frame was sturdy, not thick, just big boned perhaps.
–No sé si soy recio; sólo sabía que tenía que salir de allí.
“I don’t know about tough, I just knew I had to get out of there.
En el momento en que iba a llamar a la recia puerta, un hombre apareció doblando la esquina.
Just as he was about to knock on the heavy door, a man came walking around the end of the building.
Al 31 de diciembre de 1995 se habían reci-bido contribuciones para el mismo período por un total de 2.331,4 millones de dólares.
Contributions received as at 31 December 1995 for the same period amounted to $2,331.4 million.
Y es un amor basado en tener, dar y reci--
And it is a love that is based on having and giving and receiv...
Estamos reci ut noticias de una de las zonas n nuestro favor,
We're receiv ng news from a the areas n our favour,
-preguntó al empleado al reci«bír el cambio.
Hagen asked the attendant as he received his change.
Al capitán John Sommers le tocó reci-bir los cajones marcados en italiano con una sola palabra: náyades.
It was the task of Captain John Sommers to receive the crates marked in Italian with a single word: naiads.
— ¡Piense! Cuvier me recibió, un tipo espléndido, recio, de barba gris, con un magnífico sentido de su propia importancia.
Think it over! Cuvier received me, a splendid, stout, gray-bearded character with a magnificent sense of his own importance!
Sencillamente recibió lo más recio del golpe, y apuesto a que hay fragmentos de vidrio en el suelo, dentro del lavadero, quizá también en el alféizar. —Los he recogido.
It simply received the brunt of the blow, and I'm betting there are some glass fragments on the floor. Inside the laundry room. Maybe on the windowsill, too.
El señor Adolfo Gamarra —bigotes recios, barriguita abultada, puro humean te, manos nerviosas y húmedas— lo recibió en su despacho con abrazos y felicitaciones:
Señor Adolfo Gamarra—heavy mustache, prominent belly, lit cigar, nervous clammy hands—received him in his office with embraces and congratulations:
Las recias botas recibidas de Inglaterra lastimaron los pies a aquellos mocetones que nunca conocieron la fatiga caminando descalzos o con las galochas de su propia hechura.
The stout boots received from England had rendered footsore these hardy men who never knew fatigue when barefoot or shod with clogs of their own making.
Se necesita un tipo muy especializado de receptor para sorber energía del campo transmisor… —Teníamos entendido que no era posible nada así —cortó bruscamente un hombre de recia mandíbula con una abundante cabellera gris—.
A very specialized type of receiver is required to draw power from the transmission field—" "It was our understanding that nothing of the sort was possible," a jowly man with a mane of gray hair cut in brusquely.
Me quité la mochila, me senté en el palmo escaso de plástico que hace mucho sustituyó los recios bancos de la parada del autobús de mi infancia y me preparé para la que se me echaba encima: era de órdago.
I took my backpack off and sat down on the paltry four inches of plastic that long ago replaced the sturdy bus-stop benches of my childhood. I got ready to receive whatever was coming.
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