Käännös "mostrarla" englanti
La comunidad internacional debería darles su apoyo y mostrarles que no están solos en la batalla.
The international community should strengthen the hand of those States and their peoples and show them that they were not alone in the battle.
El respeto es un proceso que va en dos direcciones: para disfrutar de él hay que mostrarlo primero hacia los demás.
Respect was a two—way process: to enjoy it, you had first to show it to others.
El proyecto benefició tanto a los participantes como a los profesionales al mostrarles otra perspectiva, así como los conocimientos particulares de los jóvenes.
The project benefited both the participants and the professionals by showing them another perspective and the unique knowledge of young people.
Se trata de una cuestión de fondo: parecer imparcial es ser imparcial y mostrarlo.
That was a fundamental issue: being seen to be impartial meant being impartial and showing it.
Debemos mostrarles que hay una alternativa mejor que el cañón de una pistola.
We must show them that there is a better alternative to the barrel of a gun.
Después de mostrarles todas las habitaciones de la planta baja me llevaron al apartamento y me hicieron entrar".
I showed them all the rooms on the ground floor; then they took me to the apartment, and made me go in.
El Gobierno de las Islas Falkland espera poder mostrarle esa relación durante su visita.
The Falkland Islands Government hopes to show you that relationship during your visit.
Escuchar las opiniones de un niño es una forma de mostrarle respeto.
Listening to a child's views was one way of showing him respect.
Podría mostrarles una fotografía de uno de los blancos militares seleccionados por los Estados Unidos.
I could show you a photograph of one of the military targets selected by the United States.
Le dijo al juez que había sido torturado y se ofreció a mostrarle las marcas de la tortura.
He told the judge that he had been tortured and offered to show him evidence of torture on his body.
Ansset quiso mostrarle algo, mostrarle lo que buscaba.
Ansset wanted to show him something, show him what he was looking for.
—Tengo que mostrarle algo.
‘I need to show you something.’
Tengo algo que mostrarle.
I have something to show you.
Le gusta mostrarla.
She likes to show it.
mostrarles el camino.
showed them the way.
Tenemos algo que mostrarle.
We might have something to show you.
Tenemos mucho que mostrarle.
We have so much to show you.
Tengo algo para mostrarles.
he repeated, "I have something to show you."
- Voy a mostrarle.
- l'll show you.
-Vamos a mostrarles.
- Let's show them.
¿Para mostrarles qué?
Show them what?
Puedo mostrarle mi informe, puedo mostrarle--
I can show you my report, I can show you...
Vamos a mostrarle.
Let's show him.
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