Käännös "nikolic's" saksan
For at least a million reasons, these are my champions: Erica Sussman, Susan Katz, Kate Jackson, Ray Shappell, Cristina Gilbert, Erin Gallagher, Jocelyn Davies, Jennifer Kelaher, Elise Howard, Cecilia de la Campa, Maja Nikolic, Alec Shane, and the countless people at HarperCollins and Writers House who have worked tirelessly to make this series a success.
Aus mindestens einer Million Gründen sind dies meine Champions: Erica Sussman, Susan Katz, Kate Jackson, Ray Shappell, Cristina Gilbert, Erin Gallagher, Jocelyn Davies, Jennifer Kelaher, Elise Howard, Cecilia de la Campa, Maja Nikolic, Alec Shane und die zahllosen Helfer bei HarperCollins und Writers House, die keine Mühe gescheut haben, um dieser Reihe zum Erfolg zu verhelfen.
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