Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
Uh, Mariana says they're having an issue with the pipeline.
Mariana dice di avere problemi con la pipeline.
Pipeline is one of the worlïs most dangerous locations.
Il Pípelíne è uno deí luoghí píù perícolosí del mondo.
We used to surf Pipeline together.
Facevamo surf insieme a Pipeline.
She's a goofy foot, which favors her at Pipeline.
Guida col piede destro, cosa che qui al Pipeline la favorirà.
Like this boardwalk pipeline move...
Come questi scambi sulla Boardwalk Pipeline.
Gerry Lopez thunders down another Pipeline bone-crusher.
Gerry Lopez cavalca tuonando un'altra poderosa onda del Pípelíne.
A great tube ride out here at the Pipeline.
Una bellissima onda qui al Pipeline.
Surf pipeline every day.
Pipeline tutti i giorni.
♪ The Glades 2x09 ♪ Iron Pipeline Original Air Date on August 7, 2011
Subsfactory presenta: The Glades s02e09 ~ Iron pipeline ~
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