Käännös "infront" italialainen
He was in the house from time to time and now he waited infront of the door.
No. E' entrato varie volte in casa, e ora aspettava davanti al portone, questo stronzo!
You... You should never drink that like that infront of anybody but me.
Tu...tu non dovresti bere così tanto se non davanti a me.
You felt ashamed infront of him that's why you're like this?
Ti vergogni davanti a lei, per quello ti comporti così?
Why infront of you?
Perché davanti a te sì?
ImeantwhatIsaid infront of that girls the other night and..
Mi dispiace per quel che ho detto l'altro giorno davanti alle ragazze e..
Be careful not to make a fool of yourself infront of the children, and come with us obediently.
Non farti prendere a calci davanti a loro.
Because infront of me, you can say whatever you want to.
Perché davanti a me, puoi dire qualsiasi cosa tu voglia.
Only infront of other people.
Solo davanti alle altre persone.
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