Käännös "sympathized" espanja
That some nations are beginning, although slowly, to understand and sympathize with our plight is most encouraging.
Es muy halagüeño el hecho de que algunas naciones están comenzando, aunque lentamente, a comprender y compadecerse de nuestra situación.
- The goal is to get the joy to sympathize with her... and she's coming off like "frosty the Showgirl. "
- ¿Que me calme? El jurado debe compadecerse de ella y parece la mujer de las nieves.
I could not sympathize with them because it would have been very overwhelming but always said:
No podía compadecerse con todos ellos porque habría sido muy apabullante pero siempre decía:
Who is going to sympathize me?
¿Quién va a compadecerse de mí?
Ruqiah could not but sympathize with him.
Ruqiah no podía evitar compadecerse de él.
Rose had begun to sympathize with him.
Rose había empezado a compadecerse de Bill.
It was easy to sympathize with them in the abstract, but only in the abstract.
Era fácil compadecerse de ellos en abstracto, pero sólo en abstracto.
This was the penalty of ambition: that a man could not sympathize without demeaning himself.
Este era el castigo para su ambición: no poder compadecerse de otros sin sentirse disminuido.
So you were led to be agreeable, as Lizabeta was, to sympathize with the aggrieved woman.
De modo que uno tendía a ser agradable, a compadecerse de la desdichada mujer.
Litvak shrugs as if to suggest that he would like to sympathize, if only he could.
Litvak se encoge de hombros como sugiriendo que le gustaría compadecerse, pero no puede.
At first Mary said nothing beyond sympathizing with the trouble Patrick had been through.
Al principio Mary no dijo nada más allá de compadecerse del problema de Patrick.
Percy had never felt sorry for the jerk before, but now he was starting to sympathize.
Percy nunca había sentido lástima por aquel imbécil, pero estaba empezando a compadecerse de él.
All the while, Marlboro Man tried his best to sympathize with me, his new hormone-poisoned and depressed wife.
Mientras tanto, mi vaquero trataba de compadecerse de su nueva esposa, intoxicada de hormonas y deprimida.
You can't sympathize with these people:
No puedes compadecer a esa gente.
You must never sympathize with your prey.
Nunca debes compadecer a tu presa.
Kelly is raging and doing all these terrible things, and I played this scene for the studio on my director's cut without music, and everybody said we just can't sympathize with Kelly.
Kelly está furioso y hace cosas terribles, y yo presenté esta escena al estudio sin música, en mi edición de director, y todos dijeron que les era imposible compadecer a Kelly.
And I sympathize instead
Y me compadeceré de ti, por la noche o la mañana
Your affair with Lord de Carre is common knowledge, and the people won’t sympathize with you.”
Vuestro asunto con lord De Carre es de dominio público, y el pueblo no se compadecerá de vos.
They knew Carlotta would be livid when she found out, but that was just what she deserved, although they had to sympathize with poor Edgar. He’d have to put up with her ill temper.
Ambos sabían que Carlotta se pondría furiosa cuando se enterase, pero era lo mínimo que se merecía como castigo. Aunque no dejaban de compadecer al pobre Edgar, que habría de soportar su malhumor.
There was a kind of desperate melancholy in the man, not quite concealed by his waspish wit, that made me sympathize with a person of lucid if brittle intelligence who had no outlet for his energies and mind in our rural corner of the Basque country.
Había en él un aire de desesperanza y melancolía que no conseguía disimular con su causticidad y su mal genio y que me hacía compadecer a aquella persona de inteligencia lúcida, aunque acaso no muy sólida, carente de medios en que ocupar sus energías y su mente en aquel rincón rural del País Vasco.
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