Käännös "soft-hair" espanja
But, don't trust the solid rock for sometimes the alpaca's soft hair is stronger.
"Pero no confíes en la sólida roca, a veces el pelo suave de la llama es más fuerte...."
All becomes a bit of a blur, to be honest, with all the soft hair, silky vaginae.
Todo se vuelve un poco borroso, para ser sincero, con todo el pelo suave, la vagina sedosa...
You've got very soft hair.
Tienes el pelo suave.
- What soft hair!
- ¡Qué pelo suave!
Don't trust the solid rock for sometimes the alpaca's soft hair is stronger.
"No confíes en la sólida roca porque, a veces, el pelo suave de la llama es más fuerte."
she whispers, and her fingers thread through his soft hair.
—Sí —susurra Alessia, enredando los dedos en su pelo suave.
“Storm trooperz.” Ma had nice soft hair and was pretty.
«Tropas de asalto.» Mamá tenía un pelo suave y delicado y era bonita.
San Jacinto was a handful of animals with proper names and soft hair.
San Jacinto era unos cuantos animales de nombre propio y pelo suave.
Placed one hand behind her head, feeling her soft hair.
Con una mano le sostuvo la nuca, sintiendo el tacto de su pelo suave.
She leaned forward and sniffed the baby-soft hair at the mare’s ears.
Se inclinó hacia delante y olió el pelo suave de las orejas de la yegua.
Now I was quite near her, and saw within the painted brows a down of soft hair.
Ahora estaba muy cerca de ella y vi bajo las pintadas cejas un pelo suave.
“Hush!” I said, and began to stroke the fine, soft hair that curled everywhere. I cradled her and crooned.
—Ssssh —le dije, y empecé a acariciarle el pelo suave y lleno de rizos.
Carmady looked at her back, went over near her and stood looking at the soft hair low down on her neck.
Se quedó inmóvil, de espaldas a él. Carmady la observó, se acercó a ella y se quedó mirando el pelo suave que le caía sobre el cuello.
Damen lifted his hand, slid his fingers into the short, soft hair at the back of Laurent’s neck, cupping his head.
Damen levantó la mano, enterró sus dedos en el pelo suave y corto de la nuca de Laurent y le rodeó el cuello.
She washed his straight, soft hair, dried it and over his head poured a precious oil that had been brought all the way from distant Arabia.
Le lavó el pelo suave y liso, le secó y le derramó sobre la cabeza un preciado aceite traído de la lejana Arabia.
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