Käännös "garcfa" espanja
"No hay de que. The tequila was rough and Raoul's memory was everywhere, so they refused a second shot and left the Garcfas alone with their celebrations.
“No hay de que.” The tequila was rough and Raoul’s memory was everywhere, so they refused a second shot and left the Garcías alone with their celebrations.
Then too, when cel­ebrated guests such as the president of Spain or Gabriel Garcfa Marquez appeared, or the daughter of some cabinet minister with twenty class­mates from her Bogota colegio, there was great disappointment if they found that everyone had gone fishing.
Y, además, cuando aparecían huéspedes célebres, tales como el presidente de España, o Gabriel García Márquez, o la hija de algún ministro con veinte compañeros de clase de su colegio de Bogotá, había una gran desilusión si se encontraban con que todo el mundo se había ido a pescar.
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