Käännös "forgivingly" espanja
"Yes, of course," said Oniko forgivingly.
—Sí, por supuesto —dijo Oniko, indulgente—.
Ruyu nodded forgivingly yet did not say anything.
Ruyu asintió con la cabeza con gesto indulgente, pero no dijo nada.
She asked him forgivingly, "How do you like your new house?
Le preguntó, en tono indulgente: –¿Le gusta su nueva casa?
Johnny laughed forgivingly and said, ‘I expect he’ll want to talk about the past.’
Johnny rió, indulgente, y repuso: —Supongo que querrá hablar del pasado.
Her response was a blink, a slightly hurt look, and the hint of a smile that curved forgivingly, as if to say: I knew that.
Su reacción fue un parpadeo, una mirada levemente herida y el asomo de una sonrisa indulgente, como diciendo: «ya lo sé».
She looked at me and smiled forgivingly, and I awoke having sweated through one end of the slim pad of a pillow.
Me miraba y sonreía indulgente, y desperté con la escueta almohada de mi catre empapada de sudor.
They discussed the Russian writers, she sometimes having copied out a paragraph to read to him and one day he put it to her that the reason they loved books was because the crimes in people’s hearts were rendered more fatefully and more forgivingly in literature.
Hablaban de los escritores rusos, a veces ella le copiaba y leía algún fragmento, y un día él le expuso que el motivo por el que amaban los libros era porque en la literatura los delitos del corazón se representaban de una manera más trascendental e indulgente.
Then they played ninety seconds of Peter himself on Private Passions, talking about Liszt, and his voice, with its rich boozy throb and its restless dry wit, seemed to possess the room and put them all, half-forgivingly, in their place, as if he were alive and watching them from the walls of books, as well as being irrecoverably far away.
Luego pusieron noventa segundos del propio Peter hablando de Liszt en el programa Private Passions, y su voz rica y vibrante y ebria y su ingenio inquieto y seco parecieron apoderarse de la sala y poner a todos los presentes, medio indulgentemente, en su sitio, como si Peter estuviera vivo y los observara desde los muros llenos de libros, y asimismo desde una lejanía insalvable.
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