Käännös "emergy" espanja
Your Highness, you should've killed Emergi-bey when you had him.
Su Alteza hubiera debido matar a Emergi Bey cuando tuvo la oportunidad.
Baiazid the Lightning! He sent me to you, Emergi, still the king of barbarians from Karavlachia.
Bayaceto, el Rayo, me envía a vos, Emergi, todavía rey de los bárbaros de Valaquia.
Let me praise the light of the faithful ones for defeating Emergi.
Permitidme loar a la luz de los creyentes... que ha conseguido someter a Emergi.
Master, Emergi of Karavlachia's envoy is here.
Señor, el enviado de Emergi de Valaquia.
But we want Emergi to recognize our place in today's world. And we want him to recognize his place.
Pero queremos que Emergi reconozca nuestro lugar en el mundo actual, y el suyo.
So Emergi-bey thinks of himself as our equal.
Así pues el Bey Emergi se considera nuestro igual.
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