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O, good sister, wrong me not, nor wrong yourself, To make a bondmaid and a slave of me.
Oh,buena hermana, no me equivoques, ni te equivoques tu misma, para hacer de mi una criada y una esclava.
“She is our bondmaid,” Kueilan told the Chief Steward, and he shouted, “A bondmaid, Majesty!”
—Es nuestra esclava —replicó Kueilan al mayordomo principal. —¡Una esclava! —transmitió éste.
But then she had not known that she was only a bondmaid.
Por entonces no sabía ella que solamente era una esclava.
But Peony, Leah reminded herself, was only a bondmaid.
Pero Peonía, recordó Leah, no era más que una esclava.
It was her luck to be bondmaid in this house of foreigners.
Tenía suerte al ser esclava en aquella casa de extranjeros.
he shouted. “A bondmaid in the house where he was guest!”
—gritó—. ¡Una esclava de la casa en que estaba de huésped!
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