He was ill, not badly wounded.
Estaba enfermo, no malherido.
One of the men was badly wounded.
Uno de los hombres estaba malherido.
Three more were badly wounded.
Tres más estaban malheridos.
He was badly wounded in the war.
Durante la guerra quedó malherido.
Badly wounded,’ said Hord.
Malherido —contestó Hord—.
The boy in the cockpit was badly wounded;
El joven piloto estaba malherido.
Rebecca was badly wounded and unconscious.
Rebecca estaba malherida e inconsciente.
You don't look as badly wounded as all that!"
¡No pareces en absoluto tan malherido como eso!
14. A significant impediment to clearance has been the ongoing willingness of insurgent forces to actively attempt to kill those troops engaged in removing ERW and sadly a not insignificant number of these technicians have been killed or very badly wounded in these actions.
14. Representa un obstáculo significativo para esa labor de limpieza la voluntad constante de las fuerzas insurgentes de eliminar a las tropas que participan en la remoción de REG, y lamentablemente en esas acciones han muerto o han resultado gravemente heridos un número no desdeñable de esos técnicos.
Specifically, there were reports of nearly 408 cases of summary executions, including people burned alive; more than 80 people were badly wounded and even mutilated, about 150 shops were looted and several dozen heads of livestock were stolen by the attackers.
Concretamente, se produjeron cerca de 408 casos de ejecuciones sumarias, entre ellos casos de personas que fueron quemadas vivas, más de 80 casos de personas gravemente heridas e incluso mutiladas y unos 150 casos de almacenes y tiendas saqueadas, además de varias docenas de cabezas de ganado robadas y transportadas por los asaltantes.
One of 'em badly wounded.
Uno de ellos gravemente heridos.
He has been badly wounded.
Fue gravemente herido.
It's Jesse! He's been badly wounded.
Es Jesse, está gravemente herido.
He looks as if he's been badly wounded.
Parece gravemente herido.
"... in which he was badly wounded"
"...es gravemente herido"
The colonel was not badly wounded.
El coronel no estaba gravemente herido.
And Clodius was already badly wounded,
—Y Clodio ya estaba gravemente herido —dije—.
he fought for me, and he was badly wounded;
luchó por mí y fue gravemente herido;
But the bosun had looked badly wounded.
Pero el contramaestre parecía gravemente herido.
I've got a badly wounded man on board."
Tengo a bordo un hombre gravemente herido.
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