Käännös "является редактором" englanti
Является редактором
  • is an editor
  • he is the editor
is an editor
Является редактором и соредактором ряда журналов.
He is Editor-in-Chief and Co-Editor of various journals.
Редакторы-рецензенты не должны являться авторами или рецензентами материалов, в отношении которых они являются редакторами-рецензентами.
Review editors should not be involved as authors or reviewers of material for which they will act as a review editor.
Он опубликовал более 200 статей в национальных и международных журналах и является редактором и соредактором ряда журналов.
He has published more than 200 articles in national and international journals and is editor and co-editor of various journals.
Являлся редактором-основателем <<Журнала производственного права>> и основателем-соредактором энциклопедии: Sweet & Maxwell's Encyclopedia of Employment [formerly Labour Relations] Law.
Was the founding editor of the Industrial Law Journal, and founding co-editor of Sweet & Maxwell's Encyclopedia of Employment [formerly Labour Relations] Law.
4. В период военной диктатуры в Уругвае (1973-1985 годы) он работал в качестве журналиста и редактора оппозиционных изданий, а в последнее время являлся редактором ежемесячного журнала новостей.
During the military dictatorship in Uruguay (1973-1985) he worked as a journalist and editor of opposition publications, and more recently was the editor of a monthly news magazine.
he is the editor
Он является редактором State Formation in Palestine: Viability and Governance during a Social Transformation (2004) и Rents, Rent Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia (2000), а также автором многих глав в книгах, включая "Corruption and governance in early capitalism: World Bank strategies and their limitations" (2002) in Reinventing the World Bank; "State failure in developing countries and strategies of institutional reform" (2004), в Towards Pro-Poor Policies: Aid Institutions and Globalization; и "The capitalist transformation" (2005) в The Origins of Development Economics: How Schools of Economic Thought Have Addressed Development.
He is the editor of State Formation in Palestine: Viability and Governance during a Social Transformation (2004) and Rents, Rent Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia (2000). He is the author of numerous chapters in books including "Corruption and governance in early capitalism: World Bank strategies and their limitations" (2002), in Reinventing the World Bank; "State failure in developing countries and strategies of institutional reform" (2004), in Towards Pro-Poor Policies: Aid Institutions and Globalization; and "The capitalist transformation" (2005), in The Origins of Development Economics: How Schools of Economic Thought Have Addressed Development.
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