Käännös "niiden" englanti
niiden musiikista, niiden symboleista, niiden kielloista, niiden vaatimuksista.
their music, their symbolisms, their prohibitions, their requirements.
Niitä ajaa yksinkertaisesti niiden tarpeet, niiden yhteenliittymät, niiden uskomukset ja niiden kollektiiviset tavoitteet.
They are simply driven by their needs, their associations, their beliefs and their collective goals.
Niiden autot ovat niiden linnoja!
Their cars are their castles!
Niissä on yleensä niiden sankareita, niiden genrejä ja niiden suosikki leluja.
They usually have their heroes, their genres and their favorite toys.
Nitrostilbeenit, niiden homologit ja niiden johdannaiset
Nitrostilbenes, their homologues and their derivatives
Niiden sielu, niiden elämä oli poissa.
Their soul, their life was gone.
niiden koostumus, mukaan lukien niiden maturiteettiprofiili;
their composition, including their maturity profile,
Labs, niiden testit ja niiden julmuudet.
The labs, their tests and their cruelty.
Niiden sopeutumisvalmiuksien vahvistaminen edistäisi niiden kehitystä.
Strengthening their adaptive capacity would contribute to their
Niiden kynnet olivat kaviomaiset.
Their roofs were conical.
Höyryveturit ja niiden hoito.
Fractures and their treatment.
Niiden levinneisyys on paikoittaista.
Their relationship becomes distant.
Ihmeotukset ja niiden olinpaikat.
Megaliths and their Mysteries.
Niiden fyysistä olomuotoa ei ollut tarkoitus syödä, vaan niiden Ka.
These snacks were not only made because of their taste, but for their nutritional advantages as well.
Se oli niiden juridinen muoto.
That's their legacy.
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