Käännös "loput olivat" englanti
Loput olivat
Loput olivat 16 (kaksi) ja 17 (kolme) vuoden ikäisiä..
The rest were 16 (two) or 17 (three).
24 kappaletta oli kaikkiaan mutta loput olivat huollossa.
Overall there were 24, but the rest were being overhauled.
Eri tapettiin ja loput olivat joko siirretään tai myydään orjiksi.
The various were killed and the rest were either moved or sold as slaves.
... noin puoli oli kutojat, ja loput olivat tyypillisesti panimoita, braziers, leipureille, bricklayers.
... about half were weavers, and the rest were typically brewers, braziers, bakers, bricklayers.
Seitsemän tuhatta ihmistä kuoli järistyksessä ja loput olivat peloissaan ja osoittivat kunniaa taivaan Jumalalle.
In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven.
Kokeilemistani 40 linkistä noin 8 ei ollut HD-laatua, 5 tarjosi 720p-laatua, ja loput olivat 1080p-laatua.
Out of the 40 links I sampled, around 8 were not in HD, 5 offered 720p while the rest were 1080p.
Heistä 6000 oli spartalaisia ja loput olivat Peloponnesolaisliiton kaupungeista.
Of these, 3,000 were Sicilians and Italians, while the rest were British and KGL troops.
Vuoden 1991 väestönlaskennan mukaan alueen väkiluku oli 974 447, joista 501 114 kuului heimokansoihin ja loput olivat Bengaleita.
According to the census of 1991, the population was 974,447, of which 501,114 were tribal peoples and the rest were from Bengali (Muslim and Hindu) community.
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