Käännös "korroosioreaktio" englanti
Kinetics ja mekanismit korroosioreaktioiden, vaihe muunnokset, mekaaninen strengthteni
Kinetics and mechanisms of corrosion reactions, phase transformations, mechanical strengthtening processes, physical phenomena of metallic materials and chemical reactions during waste processing are studied.
316 ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettujen pintakäsittelykalvojen alueen heikko korroosionkestävyys, johtuen itse aiheuttamasta reaktiosta pistemäinen korroosioreaktio, pienten
316 stainless steel plate surface passivation film in the weak corrosion resistance of the site, due to self-induced reaction pitting corrosion reaction, the formation of small holes, coupled with the chloride ion close to the formation of a strong corrosive solution to accelerate the corrosion reaction speed.
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