Käännös "kolmialfareaktio" englanti
triple-alpha process
Vedyn palaminen: Protoni-protoni-ketju Hiilisykli Heliumin palaminen: Kolmialfareaktio Alfareaktio Raskaampien alkuaineiden palaminen: Hiilen fuusio Neonin palaminen Hapen palaminen Piin palaminen Rautaa raskaampien alkuaineiden palaminen: Neutronisieppaus Hidas neutronisieppaus Nopea neutronisieppaus Protonisieppaus Nopea protonisieppaus Fotodisintegraatio P-prosessi How the Sun Shines (englanniksi) Nucleosynthesis (englanniksi)
The most important reactions in stellar nucleosynthesis: Hydrogen fusion: Deuterium fusion The proton–proton chain The carbon–nitrogen–oxygen cycle Helium fusion: The triple-alpha process The alpha process Fusion of heavier elements: Lithium burning: a process found most commonly in brown dwarfs Carbon-burning process Neon-burning process Oxygen-burning process Silicon-burning process Production of elements heavier than iron: Neutron capture: The R-process The S-process Proton capture: The Rp-process The P-process Photodisintegration Hydrogen fusion (nuclear fusion of four protons to form a helium-4 nucleus) is the dominant process that generates energy in the cores of main-sequence stars.
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