Käännös "changista" englanti
  • chang of
chang of
A Change of Seasons on Dream Theater -yhtyeen julkaisema EP.
A Change of Seasons (Dream Theater Song) by Dream Theater
Justin Chang Variety -nimisestä lehdestä kutsui elokuvaa "masentavaksi".
Justin Chang of Variety gave the film a negative review, calling the film "disappointing".
Live-esitykset myös kappaleista "A Change of Seasons", "A Mind Beside Itself" sekä "Learning to Live".
Live performances of "A Mind Beside Itself", "Learning to Live" and "A Change of Seasons".
Ernst Mayrin tutkimus "Change of genetic environment and evolution" (1954) korosti geenivirran homogenisoivaa efektiä ja suurten populaatioiden stabiloivaa vaikutusta.
This model was popularized by Ernst Mayr in his 1954 paper "Change of genetic environment and evolution," and his classic volume Animal Species and Evolution (1963).
Se sisältää monia yhtyeen tunnetuimmista kappaleista kuten "Change of Ideas", "No Control", "I Want to Conquer the World" ja "You".
It contains many of the band's live staples, such as "Change of Ideas", "Big Bang", "No Control", "Sometimes I Feel Like", "Automatic Man", "I Want to Conquer the World", "Sanity" and "You".
Kirkon ylimmät luottamushenkilöt: Suomen evankelisluterilaisen kirkon kirkolliskokousedustajien sosiaalinen tausta ja osallistuminen päätöksentekoon vuoden 1968 kirkolliskokouksessa, Helsingin yliopisto 1972 Vihurirokkorokotuksen kustannus-hyötyanalyysi, (yhdessä muiden kanssa) Tampereen yliopisto 1974 Über die Beschlussfassung in einer normativen Organisation: die Auswahl der Synodenvertreter der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche Finnlands und ihr Einfluss auf die Beschlussfassung im Jahre 1973, väitöskirja Helsingin yliopistoon 1976 Terveys yhteiskuntapolitiikan tavoitteena, (yhdessä P. Niemelän kanssa) 1978 Suomalaista terveyspolitiikkaa, (yhdessä muiden kanssa) WSOY 1978 Costs and benefits of influenza vaccination, (yhdessä muiden kanssa) Kuopion yliopisto 1978 Regional differentation and change in cooperation: studies of turnover of consumers' cooperatives and cooperative societies and of deposits of cooperative banks on a municipal level in Finland 1968–1975, (yhdessä muiden kanssa) Sosiaalipoliittinen yhdistys 1978 Economic health security in Finland, Kuopion korkeakoulu 1979 Planning and decision-making in health policy, (yhdessä muiden kanssa) Kuopion korkeakoulu 1979 Regionale Differenzierung und Wandel der Passivgeschäfte der Genossenschaftsbanken während der Jahre 1968–1974, Helsingin yliopisto 1979 The role of the National Health Insurance in health policy in Finland 1964–1976, Kuopion korkeakoulu 1979 Terveydenhuollon hallinto, talous ja suunnittelu, (yhdessä muiden kanssa) Kustannuskiila 1979 Die Differenzierung des Genossenschaftsbankwesens in Finland: eine regionale Betrachtung in den Jahren 1903–1974, (yhdessä muiden kanssa) 1979 Cost-benefit studies of vaccinations in Finland: health services research by the national board of health in Finland, (yhdessä muiden kanssa) 1980 Genossenschaftskassen-/Genossenschaftsbankwesen als Innovation und seine Diffusion 1903–1977, Helsingin yliopisto 1980 Osuuspankkitoiminnan alueellinen levinneisyys ja erilaistuneisuus Suomessa vuosina 1903–1977, Helsingin yliopisto 1980 Der representative Charakter und die Beschlussfassung in einer normativen Organisation, Helsingin yliopisto 1980 Die Einstellung der Funktionäre zur Demokratie im Genossenschaftswesen: Speziell vom Standpunkt der Landwirtschaftsgenossenschaften aus betrachtet, (yhdessä muiden kanssa) Helsingin yliopisto 1983 Ideologische Zweiteilung und Einstellungen gegenüber den Prinzipien des Genossenschaftswesens in Finnland: Unterschiede zwischen den Funktionären des SOK-Konsumgenossenschaft und der E-Bewegung, Helsingin yliopisto 1983 On the consept of communication within the church: study on consepts of communication within church among trusted persons and employees of the evangelic-lutheran parishes of Espoo, (yhdessä Pauli Niemelän kanssa) Kuopion korkeakoulu 1983 Indirect labour costs in Finnish trade in 1981, Helsingin yliopisto 1983 Die Beschlussfasser der Genossenschaftsbank, Helsingin yliopisto 1984 Osuustoiminta taloudellisen yhteistoiminnan muotona, (yhdessä Vesa Laakkosen kanssa) Helsingin yliopisto 1985 Vammainen kaupan palvelujen käyttäjänä, Elinkeinohallitus 1985 Typisierung von Funktionsträgern in Genossenschaftten am Beispiel der Landwirtschaftsgenossenschaften in Finnland, 1985 Die Prinzipien des Genossenschaftswesen in der Gegenwart, 1985 Faktoren, die auf die Einstellung von Funktionsträgern zum Genossenschaftswesen einwirken, väitöskirja 1986 Yhteistyön kehittäminen vanhusten sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa: Joroisten taksiautokokeiluun perustuva toimintatutkimus, (yhdessä muiden kanssa) Kansaneläkelaitos 1986 Vanhukset kaupan palvelujen käyttäjinä, Elinkeinohallitus 1987 Vammaisten asumistaso ja asumistapa Suomessa v.
1888 Robert Lawson, Epidemic Influences 1889 John Thomas Arlidge, Hygiene, Diseases and Mortality of Occupations 1890 Arthur Ransome, The Causes and Prevention of Phthisis 1891 Sir Richard Thorne, Diphtheria: Its Natural History and Prevention 1892 Francis Warner, On an Inquiry as to the Physical and Mental Condition of School Children 1893 Arthur Whitelegge, On Changes of Type in Epidemic Diseases 1894 John Berry Haycraft, Darwinism and Race Progress 1895 Arthur Newsholme, The Natural History and Affinities of Rheumatic Fever 1896 Edward Cox Seaton, The Value of Isolation and its Difficulties 1897 William Collingridge, On Quarantine 1898 Sydney Arthur Monckton Copeman, On the Natural History of Vaccinia, book versionVaccination, Its Natural History and Pathology 1899 George Vivian Poore, The Earth in Relation to the Destruction and Preservation of Contagia 1900 Frederick Joseph Waldo, Summer Diarrhœa, with Special Regard to Causation and Prevention 1901 John Frederick J. Sykes, On The Influence of the Dwelling upon Health 1902 William Henry Corfield, On the Etiology of Typhoid Fever and its Prevention 1903 Herbert Timbrell Bulstrode, On the Causes, Prevalence and Control of Pulmonary Tuberculosis 1904 William Williams, On Deaths in Childbed: A Preventable Mortality 1905 Thomas Morison Legge, On Industrial Anthrax 1906 William Heaton Hamer, Epidemic Disease in England: The Evidence of Variability and of Persistency of Type 1907 Leonard Rogers, On Kāla-azār 1908 John William Henry Eyre, On melitensis septicaemia (Malta or Mediterranean Fever) 1909 Richard Tanner Hewlett, On Disinfection and Disinfectants 1910 Alexander Grant Russell Foulerton, The Streptotrichoses and Tuberculosis 1911 Arthur Edwin Boycott, On Ankylostoma infection 1912 Francis Arthur Bainbridge, On Paratyphoid Fever and Meat Poisoning 1913 Robert McCarrison, On the Etiology of Endemic Goitre 1914 Frank Shufflebotham, On the Hygienic Aspects of the Coal-Mining Industry in the United Kingdom 1915 Edgar Leigh Collis, Industrial pneumonoconioses with special reference to dust phthisis, published 1919 1916 Samson George Moore, Infantile Mortality and the Relative Practical Value of Measures Directed to Its Prevention 1917 William James Howarth, Meat inspection: with special reference to the developments of recent years 1918 Henry Richard Kenwood, On the Teaching and Training in Hygiene: Some Criticisms and Suggestions 1919 John Christie McVail, Half a Century of Small-pox and Vaccination 1920 Aldo Castellani, The higher Fungi in relation to Human Pathology 1921 Martin Flack, On Respiratory Efficiency in Relation to Health and Disease 1922 Major Greenwood, on the Influence of Industrial Employment upon General Health 1923 William George Savage, Canned Foods in Relation to Health 1924 William Glen Liston, Epidemiology of Plague 1925 Arthur Salusbury MacNalty, On Epidemic Diseases of the Central Nervous System 1926 William Whiteman Carlton Topley, Experimental Epidemiology in Mice 1927 William Francis Dearden, Health Hazards in the Cotton Industry 1928 Francis Albert Eley Crew, Genetical Aspects of Natural Immunity and Disease Resistance 1929 James Graham Forbes, Diphtheria Immunisation 1930 James Alison Glover, On the Incidence of Rheumatic Diseases 1931 Sheldon Francis Dudley, On Lessons on Infectious Diseases in The Royal Navy 1932 Charles Cyril Okell, On haemolytic streptococci 1933 Robert Cruickshank, on Pneumococcal infections 1934 George Seaton Buchanan, International co-operation in public health 1935 Eric Henry Rhys Harries, Infection and its Control in Children's Wards 1936 Edward Loggie Middleton, Industrial Pilmonary Disease due to the Inhalation of Dust 1937 Philip Montague D'Arcy Hart, prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis among adults in England 1938 Bernard Edward Schlesinger, Public Health Aspect of Heart Disease in Childhood 1939 Donald Stewart, Industrial Medical Services In Great Britain: A Critical Survey 1940 Ronald Edward Smith 1941 Norman Brandon Capon 1942 William Norman Pickles, Epidemic Diseases in Village Life in Peace and War 1943 Sydney Alexander Henry 1944 Arthur Harold Gale, A Century of Changes in the Mortality and Incidence of the Principal Infections which Cause Death or Disability in Childhood 1945 Henry Stanley Banks, Meningococcosis: a protean disease 1946 Hugh Edward Magee, Application of Nutrition to Public Health 1947 Ronald Epey Lane, The care of the lead worker 1948 Graham Selby Wilson, The Public Health laboratory Service 1949 Marc Daniels, Tuberculosis in post-war Europe 1950 Weldon Dalrymple-Champneys, Undulant fever, a neglected problem 1951 John Constable Broom, Leptospirosis 1952 Victor Henry Springett, An interpretation of statistical trends in tuberculosis 1953 W. Richard S. Doll, Bronchial carcinoma, incidence and aetiology 1954 D.A. Long, The pathogenesis of Rheumatic Fever 1955 James A. Smiley, Personal factors in accident proneness 1956 Richard Selwyn Francis Schilling, Chronic respiratory disease amongst cotton and other textile workers 1957 D.D. Reid, Environmental factors in respiratory disease 1958 Cecily D. Williams, Social medicine in developing countries 1959 Albert Ray Southwood, Aspects of Preventive Cardiology 1960 Leslie George Norman, The Medical Aspects of the Prevention of Road Accidents 1961 Henry George Miller, Accident neurosis 1962 R.F.L. Logan, The quality of medical care 1963 Andrew Meiklejohn, The Successful Prevention of Lead Poisoning and Silicosis in the North Staffordshire Potteries 1964 Alick John Robertson, Tin Mining 1965 William Ivor Neil Kessel, Self-poisoning 1966 Daniel Thomson, Mass immunization in the control of infectious diseases 1967 Leon Golberg, Topics pertaining to the amelioration of food 1968?
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