Käännös "sa contribution" englanti
Sa contribution
\".. .et Prof. Eliezer Shkolnik, pour sa contribution à l'étude du Talmud. "
"...and Prof. Eliezer Shkolnik, for his contribution to the study of the Talmud."
Je l'ai pas beaucoup vu étant enfant. Mais sa contribution parle pour lui.
I didn't see much of him as a boy,but his contribution outlives him.
Sa contribution est impressionnante, à différents niveaux.
His contribution is really quite enormous, on many levels.
voltaire pour sa contribution à I'esprit révolutionnaire français... disent-iIs.
VoItaire for his contribution to the revolutionary spirit in France... they say.
Nous sommes ravis de sa contribution, et le second est un anonyme.
We are very thrilled with his contribution, and the other is anonymous.
Telle est sa contribution réelle.
That was his contribution in a very real sense.
Sa contribution a déjà été notée.
His contribution to the group has already been noted.
Ils vont sûrement le féliciter pour sa contribution au divertissement.
He must be getting recognized for all his contributions to show business.
Regardez, c'est sa contribution à Halo.
Look, that's his contribution to Halo.
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