À la fin de juin 2003, alors que l'occupation de l'Iraq était une réalité et que je quittais les Nations Unies, Anna Lindh m'a de nouveau contacté.
By the end of June 2003, when the occupation of Iraq was a fact and I was leaving the United Nations, Anna Lindh contacted me again.
Je quittais la ville.
I was leaving town.
- Je quittais mon travail.
- l was leaving work.
Je quittais Jeannie.
I was leaving Jeannie.
Que je le quittais.
That I was leaving him.
Je quittais la maison
I used to leave the house.
Ou tu me quittais, ou je te quittais.
Either you were going to leave me,or I was going to leave you.
Que je la quittais.
I was leaving her.
Je quittais juste l'immeuble.
I was only leaving the building.
Si je quittais la police, vous m'embaucheriez ?
Look, suppose I quit my job and work for you?
Si tu quittais ton boulot de bonne heure, ce soir ?
Why don't you quit work early tonight?
Lorsque je quittai Barton la dernière fois...
When I quitted Barton last...
Je croyais que tu quittais la Torche.
I thought you quit the Torch.
J'avais atteint mes limites, et je quittai mon emploi.
I knew I was at my limit... And quit my job.
Je le quittais de toute façon.
I was quitting anyway.
Tu viens de dire que tu quittais ton travail.
You just said you're quitting your job.
Je croyais que tu nous quittais.
I thought you were quitting at the end of the year. Is that right?
Et si je quittais l'armée de l'air?
What if I quit the air force?
Je quittai la police sur-le-champ.
I quit the police force right away.
Tu disais que tu quittais la ville.
You said you were going out of town.
Je quittai le pad sur mon bureau et Callie voulait juste aller sur son discours.
I left the pad on my desk and Callie just wanted to go over her speech.
J'ai entendu que tu quittais furtivement le boulot pour jouer aux fléchettes.
It's come to my attention you've been sneaking off from work to go play darts.
Un jour, elle m'a dit que si je la quittais, elle ne survivrait pas.
She told me once... that if I ever left her, she wouldn't be able to go on.
Que tu quittais l'école.
That you're going away to school.
C'est comme si je quittais un boulot après 30 années de labeur.
Wow. It looks like I retired from some job after 30 years.
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