Käännös "les institutions" englanti
Les institutions
the institutions
c) du renforcement des institutions et de l'appui institutionnel
(c) Institution building and institutional support
Renforcement des institutions et soutien institutionnel
Institution building and institutional support
Institutions financières et investisseurs institutionnels
Financial institutions and institutional investors
Et si les institutions de Sebastian Lee peuvent réchapper de sa mort elles peuvent certainement réchapper à la vérité sur sa vie.
And if the institutions of Sebastian Lee can survive his death, they certainly can survive the truth about his life.
Les institutions que nous servons.
The institutions we serve.
Mais tu ne diminueras pas ma foi dans les institutions de l'État.
But you won't undermine my faith in the institutions of the state.
Les institutions qui délivrent des mandats y mettent des limites.
The institutions that issue money orders place monetary limits on them.
Les partis politiques, les communautés autonomes, les institutions, les agents économiques, les travailleurs.
The political parties, the autonomous communities, the institutions, the economic agents, the workers.
Déserteur, junky, laissé-pour-compte, en révolte contre les institutions.
deserter, junkie, social reject, rebelling against the institutions.
C'est ironique que l'analyse des structures de pouvoir de Foucault devienne un argument contre les institutions de l'inégalité sociale.
So, the irony is that Foucault's analysis of power structures ends up being an argument against the institutions of social inequality.
Vous devez faire des excuses pour cette insulte envers les institutions ! ".
You have to apologise for this insult towards the institutions.
Il est moralement corrompu, et il a corrompu les institutions.
It doesn't change the fact that he is morally corrupt, and he has corrupted the institutions that report to him.
Quand j'étais jeune, j'ai appris que pour devenir un puissant leader, on doit maintenir les institutions auxquelles les gens sont accoutumés.
As a young man I learned, to become a powerful leader, one must maintain the institutions to which people are accustomed.
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