Käännös "imv" englanti
Ni pour tout le sang, tous les morts ni même pour ses élèves de l'IMV... ni pour ses amis... pour personne.
Not for all the blood and all the death, not for his young students from VMI not for his friends not for anyone.
Les membres de l'IMV qui ont mené une enquête ont expliqué et justifié la suspension complète de ce droit par le fait qu'un grand nombre de personnes étaient alors détenues dans les commissariats.
The IMV personnel who investigated the information on offences committed by police officers after the events in September 2000 justified and explained the across-the-board suspension of this particular right by the large numbers of detainees at the police stations at that time.
Selon la déclaration faite par l'IMV, 16 affaires seulement portaient sur des infractions pénales.
According to the IMV statement, matters of a criminal nature were involved merely in 16 cases.
120. Conformément à la loi relative à la police, la détection d'infractions pénales commises par des membres de la police et l'identification des coupables sont confiées à l'Inspection du Ministère de l'intérieur (ciaprès dénommé <<IMV>>, selon l'abréviation tchèque).
Under the still valid Police Act, the task of detecting criminal offences committed by police officers and finding the offenders lies with the Inspection of the Minister of the Interior (hereinafter referred to by the Czech abbreviation "IMV").
L'IMV a classé l'affaire parce qu'il était impossible d'établir des faits justifiant l'exercice de l'action publique et parce que la photographie en question n'a pas été considérée comme une preuve concluante.
IMV suspended that case as it was impossible to establish facts justifying the initiation of criminal proceedings and because the identification of the police officer concerned from a photograph was inconclusive.
Cet acte a été qualifié de comportement contraire au règlement de la police tchèque mais, puisque de l'avis de l'IMV il ne présentait pas un danger suffisant pour la société, selon les dispositions du Code pénal, les éléments permettant de conclure à un excès de pouvoir de la part d'un agent de l'État n'étaient pas réunis.
This particular act was classified as behaviour running counter to the rules of the Police of the Czech Republic Act but since - in the opinion of IMV - the behaviour of that particular police officer did not reach what is a called sufficiently dangerous degree for the society, as laid down by the Penal Code, the elements of the offence of abuse of the authority of a public official were not present.
121. En ce qui concerne les affaires ayant trait à des infractions pénales, l'IMV a conclu à l'absence de preuve pour dix d'entre elles.
As for matters of a criminal nature, IMV has concluded in 10 cases that the commission of criminal offences has not been proved.
*Alianza Sistema de humedales Paraguay Paraná, Articulação de Mulheres Brasileiras (AMB), Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil(APIB), Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA), Associação Agroecológica Tijupá, Centro de Estudos e Defesa do Negro do Pará (CEDENPA), Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (COIAB), Fórum da Amazônia Oriental - Rede FAOR, Fórum Carajás, Fórum de Mulheres da Amazônia Paraense (FMAP), Fundación M'Biguá - Argentina, Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), Instituto Humanitas de Belém/PA, Instituto Madeira Vivo (IMV), Instituto Transformance, Justiça Global, Movimento e Articulação de Mulheres do estado do Pará (MAMEP), Movimento Articulado de Mulheres da Amazônia (MAMA), Movimento Xingu Vivo Para Sempre (MXVPS), Movimento Tapajós Vivo, Projeto Rios de Encontro, Rede Brasileira de Arteducadores, Sociedade Paraense de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos (SDDH), Ação por um Mundo Solidário (ASW, Germany), Amazon Watch (USA), Amnesty International France, Association of International Lawyers, Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation, International Rivers (USA), KoBra - Kooperation Brasilien e.V (Germany), Pro REGENWALD (Germany), Regenwald-Institut (Instituto Floresta Tropical) (Germany), Rettet den Regenwald e.V. (Germany) une/des ONG sans statut consultatif partage(nt) également les opinions exprimées dans cet exposé.
*Alianza Sistema de humedales Paraguay Paraná, Articulação de Mulheres Brasileiras (AMB), Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil(APIB), Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA), Associação Agroecológica Tijupá, Centro de Estudos e Defesa do Negro do Pará (CEDENPA), Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (COIAB), Fórum da Amazônia Oriental - Rede FAOR, Fórum Carajás, Fórum de Mulheres da Amazônia Paraense (FMAP), Fundación M'Biguá - Argentina, Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), Instituto Humanitas de Belém/PA, Instituto Madeira Vivo (IMV), Instituto Transformance, Justiça Global, Movimento e Articulação de Mulheres do estado do Pará (MAMEP), Movimento Articulado de Mulheres da Amazônia (MAMA), Movimento Xingu Vivo Para Sempre (MXVPS), Movimento Tapajós Vivo, Projeto Rios de Encontro, Rede Brasileira de Arteducadores, Sociedade Paraense de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos (SDDH), Ação por um Mundo Solidário (ASW, Germany), Amazon Watch (USA), Amnesty International France, Association of International Lawyers, Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation, International Rivers (USA), KoBra - Kooperation Brasilien e.V (Germany), Pro REGENWALD (Germany), Regenwald-Institut (Instituto Floresta Tropical) (Germany), Rettet den Regenwald e.V. (Germany) NGO(s) without consultative status, also share the views expressed in this statement.
Merde, Ben, tu avais dit que tu fermais la vanne IMV !
Damn it, Ben, you said you shut the IMV valve!
- Arrêt vannes IMV.
- Shutting IMV valves.
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