Käännös "est le plafond" englanti
Est le plafond
  • is the ceiling
is the ceiling
Plafond de ressources annuelles : plafond AAH majoré du montant de l'allocation;
Annual income ceilings: AAH ceiling increased by the amount of the allowance;
Surveille bien ce couloir parce que... le danger, c'est le plafond.
You'll have to keep an eye on that hallway there because the only blind spot is the ceiling. They'll get around to it eventually.
Bon, ce que je préfère, c'est le plafond.
So, anyways, my favorite part... is the ceiling.
Quel est le plafond pour les suspects ?
What is the ceiling for suspects?
- À quelle hauteur est le plafond ?
- How high is the ceiling?
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