Käännös "commencé il" englanti
N'a pas commencé
Not started
Si nous avions essayé de commencer par la fin, nous n'aurions carrément rien commencé.
Had we sought to start at the end, we would not have started at all.
Note: (1) commencé en 2006; (2) commencé en 2007.
Source: Labour Affairs Bureau; Note: (1) Started in 2006; (2) started in 2007.
Donc, quand tu as commencé, il n'y a plus rien à dire.
So once you've started, there's nothing more to say.
Pour commencer, il y a 21 enfants à Oakington. 21 unités.
.. for a start, there are 21 children in Oakington right now.
Avant qu'on commence, il faut que je te dise quelque chose... en privé.
Before we get started, there's something that I need to tell you... in private.
J'ai commencé il y a trois mois.
I started there three months ago.
Avant de commencer, il y a une question que je dois vous poser.
Before I start, there's one question I'm bound to ask you.
Depuis que j'ai commencé, il a pas arrêté d'être sur moi.
He' s been on my ass ever since I started there.
Avant de commencer, il me faut aborder certains points...
Before we get started, there's a few things I'd like to talk over with you.
Pour commencer, il y a ses vêtements.
Well, for a start, there's her clothes.
Elle a commencé il y a quelques mois.
She started there a few months ago.
Mais avant de commencer, il faut régler quelques formalités.
Yeah, but before we get started, there's a few formalities that we have to get out of the way.
Il a commencé il y a des années.
- Yes. He started years ago.
Il a commencé il y a 5 ans.
He started five years ago.
Il a commencé il y a 3 semaines.
He started three weeks ago.
Ça a commencé il y a 45 minutes.
He started 45 minutes ago.
Il a commencé il y a des heures.
He started hours ago.
C'est lui qui a commencé. Il est méchant.
He started it, He's bein' mean,
- Il a commencé, il est un tyran.
- He started it, he's a bully.
Il a commencé, il m'a insulté...
Sorry, honey, he started it by insulting me.
Quand il a commencé , il était géant .
When he started, he was great.
Il a commencé il a 26 ans.
He started his career 26 years ago.
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