Käännös "c'est du gaspillage" englanti
C'est du gaspillage
  • it is a waste
  • it's a waste
  • it's wasteful
  • this is wasteful
it is a waste
Prévention de la pollution et du gaspillage
Pollution and waste prevention
C. Pertes et gaspillages
C. Loss and waste
Prévention du gaspillage, de la fraude et de
Prevention of waste, fraud and mismanagement
Gaspillage de biens publics
Waste of government property
A. Réduction des pertes et du gaspillage
A. Reducing losses and waste
Perte ou gaspillage de ressources
Loss or waste of resources
Pertes et gaspillage de produits alimentaires
Loss and waste of food
it's a waste
C'est du gaspillage de nourriture.
It's a waste of good food.
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