Käännös "atermoiements" englanti
Les atermoiements d'Israël sèment le doute sur ses intentions à cet égard.
Israeli procrastination in that regard raises doubts as to its real intentions.
Ne permettons ni atermoiements ni faux-fuyants.
Therefore, let there be no room for procrastination and prevarication.
Tout nouvel atermoiement à cet égard serait inacceptable.
Further procrastination in this regard would not be acceptable.
De nouveaux atermoiements ne sauraient être acceptables.
Further procrastination should not be accepted.
Le monde attend que l'on passe à l'action et que cessent les atermoiements.
The world is waiting for the procrastination to end and for us to take action.
"Le temps des atermoiements, des demi-mesures, "des remèdes lénifiants et des expédients touche à sa fin. "Voici venu
The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays is coming to its close in its palce we are entering a period of consequences
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