Käännös "alors selon" englanti
Alors, selon le principe d'Al Takeyya, qui autorise un musulman à dissimuler s'il pense que sa vie est menacée, tu es absous.
Then, according to the principle of Al Takeyya, which permits a Muslim to hide if he thinks his life is threatened, you are absolved.
Alors, selon le guide new-yorkais pour les parents et profs, je ne prends pas de drogue.
Then, according to New York City's guidelines for parents and teachers, it's a pretty safe bet I'm clean.
Alors, selon toi, si elle est ici, si elle est restée ici, c'est parce que... elle te cherchait.
Then according to you, if she is there, if she stays there, it's because she's looking for you?
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