La smetti di stupirti tanto?
- Would you stop being so amazed?
Quello che vedrai ora optrà stupirti, ma devi fidarti di me.
What you're going to see now may amaze you, but just you trust me.
Non ho ancora finito di stupirti.
I could do things that would amaze you.
Mano a mano che mi conoscerai meglio, avrò modo di stupirti in più di un'occasione.
As you get to know me better, there'll be more than one or two occasions of amazement.
Non puoi solo stupirti... e andare avanti?
Can't you just be amazed and move on?
Cosi' potro' stupirti di piu'.
I'll amaze you some more.
Non credo abbia voglia di stupirti. predire uno tsunami o qualcosa del genere.
His parents just died. I don't think his mission is to amaze you. He could throw me a bone... start speaking in tongues, run a two-minute mile, predict a tsunami or something.
Ehi, non stupirti cosi' tanto, V.
Hey, don't act surprised, V.
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