Käännös "di winchester" englanti
Catherine di Winchester?
Catherine of Winchester.
No, novità sul Duca di Winchester.
No, about the Duke of Winchester.
Mi riferivo al Duca di Winchester.
I was referring to the Duke of Winchester.
Non potrebbe... essere un vostro ostaggio, ma al di fuori delle mura di Winchester?
Could he not remain a hostage whilst outside of Winchester?
- Sua Grazia, il Vescovo di Winchester.
His Grace, the bishop of Winchester. My Lord Bishop.
Stava uscendo dalla camera del Duca di Winchester.
He was coming out of the Duke of Winchester's room.
La nipote... del marchese di Winchester.
The niece of the Marquis of Winchester.
Il Vescovo di Winchester e' morto 6 mesi fa.
The bishop of winchester died 6 months ago.
Gente comune e puzzolenti abitanti di Winchester...
Great unwashed and stinking people of Winchester.
Philip di Winchester, Reginald di Huntington. Preparatevi al tiro!
Philip of Winchester, Reginald of Huntington... to step to the mark!
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